Chapter 15

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Suddenly, the door to the kyudo hall swung open revealing a tall lean man decked in a dark grey sweatshirt, a pair of black jeans and a camera bag hung over his right shoulder. His eyes wander around the hall before spotting Taehyung and Yura standing at one corner of the hall.

 His eyes wander around the hall before spotting Taehyung and Yura standing at one corner of the hall

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"TAEHYUNG-AHHH!!!", he waves as he paces himself towards them, with a big smile on his face.

Yura eyed him as he walks towards both of them, those puffy cheeks visible as he smiles ear to ear looking at them.

"I called you just now but it went straight to voice mail. What happened to you!?", he nags as taps on Taehyung's arm.

"I didn't get any calls? Are you sure you didn't call someone else?", he jokes as raised his eyebrows at Jimin

Jimin rolled his eyes but then he brings his focus to Yura, realizing that she has been standing there in silence as she watches both of them.

"Are you one of the kyudo committees?", he asked as he leans forwards.

"Y-yes" bowing slightly, Yura curved a smile as she looks at Jimin, standing tall towering her making her feels like a midget.

Two tall guys standing beside her. Great, thank you for making me short that I am already am.

"I think, I need to find my other members. I shall excuse myself first", Yura quickly bows before dashing out of the hall, not wanting to stay there any longer. She knows it's going to be real awkward once Taehyung's friend find out about her identity and thus, she wants to avoid that. She is saving her own ass because she has no energy left to deal with this.

Not after Taehyung, out of nowhere gave his scarf to her.

God, this man really is full of surprises. I am never ready.

"So.......", Jimin's voice trails off as he watches Yura walking out the hall. "Why does she have your scarf?"

 "Why does she have your scarf?"

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