Chapter 24

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"Hmm...I have to ask you ten questions? Now? What kind of questions?" she looks at him, eyes filled with utter confusion.

"Anything. Ask me anything", he nods with a big grin curved on his lips

Taking her time while she plays with the hem of her pajama, she blows her cheek trying her best to come up with questions. Suitable questions. Well, with her brain failing her, she can't even think of a question. But she managed.

"When your date of birth?"

"31st December", he answered excitedly, sounding impatient to hear Yura's next question.

"Favourite place?"

"Art galleries"

"What is your hobby?"

"Taking photos and going galleries?", he giggles slightly as he nods.

"Next question...why is it so hard to ask you a simple question oh my god", groaning as she looks up, she fumbles with the blanket as she tries to think of another question.

15 minutes has passed, Yura seems to be struggling to ask the tenth question. Fidgeting her now stretched legs to the side of the bed, she scratches her head as she thinks of one last question for Taehyung. But Taehyung didn't rush her, instead, he waits patiently as he rest his elbows on his thighs, his eyes observing her closely as she seems to fall deep into her thoughts.

Looking at her in this state, just the two of them chatting and getting to know each other makes him feel like a totally different person. The way she asked her random questions with such innocent expression on her delicate face, she looks the softest as she could ever. Vulnerable, feminine and just fragile. The way her face lights up when he answered her questions, he loves that.

If there is a word to describe Yura, it will be enchanting.

"Okay! I have the last question", sounding entirely excited she couldn't hide it, Yura rubs both of her palms as her eyes seem to have a hint of mischievousness. "You're ready?"

"Ask away", smiling ever widely, Taehyung sets his eyes on her, waiting patiently.

"Do you believe in fate?"

Now, that's a question that he'll remember.


Nodding as she smiles, she taps on her thighs lazily as she look into nothing. "Do you believe in them?" She asked again softly this time, as if her mind itself is trying to think about the question too.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows as he feels his heart skipping a beat or two, making it hard for him to think properly. He believes in fate, he does. But, ever since Hyeran left him for her career, it has taken a toll on his firm belief. It's like it shaky –almost unstable, to even call it a firm belief. It's beginning to feel like a doubt instead of a belief.

"Perhaps a little bit", he finally answered, but with such low voice that made Yura turned to look at him.

She watches as Taehyung's eyes seem to lose its flicker. Did she ask the wrong question? Clearing her throat, she quickly clasps her hand together, grabbing his attention back to her. "Your turn, ask me 10 questions"

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