(0.2) First Semester!

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[Art by Valra who you can find here => LavenderPheonix_ go check out their art book!

This is just a brief recap of the first four arcs and a speed run of the prequel chap, so y'all can go ahead and skip it if you want.]

In arc one, Nagisa meets his new students for the first time, and though they initially don't like him, he makes an interesting first impression when he instantly turns the tides of their aggression, and then proposes a lesson plan wherein they are supposed to assassinate him. The students make a few attempts, but ultimately fail to meet that goal in the fist arc. However, along the way, they achieve other things, learn a lot, and grow fond of their strange new teacher.

One of the students, Kirasaya, makes it her personal mission from the very start, to learn everything she can about Nagisa-sensei. She learns that he's a middle-school friend of a famous actress when Kayano interrupts their math class one day. When she follows him, after school, Kirasaya discovers his relationship with Karma, and with the help of her friend Fumei, she develops a theory that Nagisa might have been an actual assassin in the past, if not the present. Unfortunately for Nagisa, Kirasaya is absolutely dreadful at keeping secrets.

When the first midterm exams come around, Nagisa promises to crossdress if the students manage to score high enough on all their exams. It's a bittersweet victory when they manage to do so, and Karma takes him dress shopping.

Arc two begins with Nagisa assigning a biography project to his students, and after accidentally experiencing Nagisa's bloodlust first hand, Fumei considers choosing him as her subject, but Kirasaya beats her to it, and she chooses Itona instead, because as an engineering and computer science geek herself, she's very interested in his work.

Research for the project leads Fumei to hack into the Ministry of Defense's classified database where she finds information about the original assassination classroom. When the MoD tracks her laptop's IP address and arrest her, it's revealed that she's had run-ins with the agency before, and that she even knows Agent Karasuma personally from a previous incident. She offers to revamp their security in exchange for her freedom, and they agree.

After she's released, she confronts Nagisa about everything, and he reluctantly answers her questions, most of which she got from Kirasaya, who listens in on their conversation, but for once, dutifully keeps the information a secret, even when she presents her report on Nagisa.

She needn't have bothered, however, because shortly after that, the students are kidnapped by a group who want to blackmail Nagisa into killing someone for them, and they tell the students exactly that. Nagisa launches a rescue mission with some of his former classmates from Kunugigaoka, and manage to rescue all but one.

Having failed, Nagisa agreed to take on the assassination, and while he does so, Karma and the recently rescued students launch a second rescue before Nagisa is forced to finish the job, and in the end, they're finally successful.

After the stress they went through in the last arc, the students get to start arc three with an announcement about a class trip, and after some light fundraising for train tickets and camping supplies, Nagisa takes them to 3-E mountain, and brings along Karma as the second chaperone.

On the mountain, class 3-5 gets to do many of the things that class 3-E did, including sparring against someone who they have no hope of beating (Karma), and swimming in the natural swimming pond. On the last night of the trip, the students talk about their romantic interests, and Kurra reveals a budding crush on none other than their teacher! When his classmates find out, they try to discourage him from it, but Kurra refuses to be swayed.

Interspersed though arc four are the introduction of Sakura, who was Nagisa's first student, and Nagisa and Karma's engagement, but for the most part, Shirota is the focus of the arc. After Shirota's older brother decides he is old enough to join the family gang, Shirota feels helpless to refuse.

Despite advice from multiple sources telling him not to let his family control who he is and what he does, Shirota joins his brother's gang, and after initiation, he immediately regrets it. On his first patrol, he witnesses other members of the gang, killing a member of their rival group, and he runs away, seeking solace with his friend Saishuu, who invites Shirota to stay at his house, where Shirota seamlessly blends into the Yukki family, something he'd never experienced before.

Seeing his friend's bad situation, Saishuu enlists the help of the rest fo their class, all of whom Shirota has made the effort to befriend, no matter how difficult. Together with the help of their teacher's assassination training, they manage to convince Shirota's older brother to release him from the gang.

In the bonus chapter "Prequel time!" there's a glimpse into the seven years between the original series and Some Teacher, during which time, Kunugigaoka middle school and high school both shut down, Nagisa and Karma got together, they revealed their relationship to their parents, Nagisa's mother relapsed and ended up in a mental institution, Karma's parents kicked him out of their house, Nagisa and Karma moved in with each other, Nagisa cut his hair short, and they both got jobs in their preferred field.

[Please enjoy Book Two! Chapter 1 will be posted a little later tonight after some revisions, but I wanted y'all to have the chance to put this book into your libraries and reading lists sooner. Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!]

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