(5.9) Break up time!

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It was an accident, really, coincidence. Probably the universe at work, if you asked Kurra. It wasn't like he had gotten Kirasaya to tell him where Karma worked intentionally; she was just so bad at keeping secrets that she let it slip without any prompting on his part. He didn't leave the house that afternoon with the express purpose of going to the Ministry of Economics and Trade, it just so happened that there was a pet supply store nearby that he wanted to visit, even though he had no pets, nor any interest in getting pets, because he hated the smell of animals and also all pet food. 

There was no reason at all that he had decided to wear a hoodie on a hot summer day, he just felt like it. He also felt like hiding his face and ducking out of sight when Karma left his place of work, and leaving the pet store at the same time to walk in the same direction as Karma a few meters behind while trying his best not to be seen or noticed. He was random like that sometimes.

He certainly hadn't meant to eavesdrop when Karma answered his phone, but he did overhear, completely by accident, that he was talking to Nagisa-sensei and that they were going to meet at a place called Shiko no Kate to taste test menus for the wedding. And it was happenstance when he suddenly remembered an urgent need to go to a caterer because of . . . some reason, and split before he was caught.

Kurra couldn't justify his actions to others, but privately he knew that the only way he could be with Nagisa-sensei was to break up him and Karma. His plan to do that was to get the pair of them in a high-stress situation and throw a proverbial stone. If being a groomsman at his aunt's wedding had showed him anything it was that wedding planning was possibly the most high-stress environment there was.

His aunt's wedding had been a disaster, and she ended up breaking it off with her fiancé the day of the ceremony in a big, dramatic huff, accusing him of sleeping with a bridesmaid, which Kurra was pretty sure never happened, and of not valuing her like he should, which Kurra was pretty sure had been blatantly obvious from the beginning. It had been the only wedding he'd ever been to, but it couldn't have been too different from how they usually go. Just normally the couple kept their grievances to themselves and said their "I do"s anyway.

There had to be some grievances between Karma and Nagisa. No relationship was perfect.

Nagisa and Karma were already at the caterer when Kurra arrived. He snuck in the service entrance and headed to the kitchen.

"It's odd that the bride-to-be didn't come for the taste test," said one server to the other.

"They're gay Sura," the other server responded flatly.


The second server shook her head with a sigh.

Kurra held back a snort of laughter as he snuck up behind the pair and put a bug on one of the plates. Hopefully they wouldn't see the bug until someone pointed it out, then Karma would get mad and blow up at the servers and Nagisa-sensei would realize he was a jerk. Everyone knew only assholes treated the waitstaff like that.

Kurra was actually surprised at how easy it was, sneaking in, planting the bug. He'd expected it to be more of a challenge, but Nagisa-sensei's assassination lessons must have been paying off because he didn't have much trouble with it at all. No one saw him sneaking out with the servers to get a look at the results of his plan.

The tastings were done on a lovely outdoor patio garden with pretty climbing flowers. The caterers clearly cared about presentation. Kurra crouched behind a planter box with a grapevine and some soft blue flowers which he couldn't name, but they smelled nice. The servers put the plates on the table. Karma got the plate with the bug. Kurra smirked, full of anticipation.

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