(6.3) Mark time!

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It was just a week into the semester when Okanna finally learned about class 3-5's assassination project. She noticed a few of her classmates: Yatoni, Hinata, Marihara, and Ippantekina spying into the teachers' lounge, and walked up behind them.

"What's going on?" she asked, and they didn't seem the least bit startled by her unexpected appearance, though she wasn't sure if that was because they'd heard her coming, or because they didn't perceive her as any kind of threat to them.

"Nothing," Hinata said, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. He looked squished, folding his great height up enough to go unnoticed by the only teacher in the room at the moment, Nagisa-sensei. "Unless it works, anyway."

"Nice try, boys," Nagisa-sensei called nonchalantly. "Next time, Yatoni, think about washing your hands first, or wiping off your prints." He reached under his desk chair and Okanna heard a ripping sound as he pulled off something secured their with duct tape. He opened the door to the teachers' lounge and held out a boxlike device, handing it to Yatoni.

"How'd you know it was me?" Yatoni asked, opening the device up to turn it off, not looking at their teacher.

"You left machine oil smudges on my chair," Nagisa answered. "And you're one of only a handful of people in class five who could rig up a bomb, even a fake one. What would it have done?"

"Shot confetti and streamers everywhere," Yatoni explained. "It might have set something on fire, but not badly."

"A valiant effort."

"Yeah, it was a really good try man," Hinata consoled, standing up straight and stretching out the kinks in his back. "I really thought that one was gonna work."

"Wait, what the hell just happened?" Okanna demanded.

"Oh . . . I guess no one told you, huh?" Marihara looked at her, head tilted to the side. "It's kind of like an extra credit assignment, a fun . . . exercise or whatever. The goal is to assassinate Nagisa-sensei—well fake-assassinate him—and if you succeed, you get free A grades all across the board."

"Nobody's actually been able to claim the prize yet, though," Hinata lamented. "Nagisa-sensei's just too good!"

"Fucker," Ippantekina muttered under his breath before turning around and sulking off down the hall.

Okanna said nothing to that, she was too shocked for words. She hadn't understood before why she was hired to kill this man, this teacher, but she did now. Anyone who would indoctrinate children into a life of assassination, killing people for money, well . . . anyone like that didn't deserve to live. He was too dangerous to be left alive.

What sort of monster taught high school kids to plant bombs under people's chairs? Trained them to think of killing so casually that they were mildly disappointed at their failure to kill someone they consider a mentor? Nagisa was doing to his students what his own teacher had done before him. This wasn't about taking out potential assassins, it was about preventing future assassins.

These were children, and for once, she actually agreed with the assignment she'd been given. For once, she knew she was saving more people than she was hurting. To protect these children, she would gladly kill their teacher, a monster, making monsters out of them.

It was only a few hours later, mere minutes after the final bell had rung and Nagisa-sensei dismissed his students, that Okanna witnessed the second assassination attempt.

Asui dropped from the vent in the ceiling onto Nagisa's shoulders, knocking him off balance. He quickly dislodged her, and Satori caught her, while Nagisa stepped back into the waiting arms of Kiya, who wrapped his neck in a choke-hold almost instantaneously. A potent, sinister energy filled the air, and Okanna tensed, just before Nagisa slammed his head up into Kiya's chin and slipped out of her grip like a slippery serpent.

"Good effort girls," he complimented, weaving his way around his assailants with difficulty. "Solid preparation, forcing me into a trap, but it's no good if you let your grip loosen and can't follow through."

Only when he finally reached the doorway did the aura of bloodlust slowly start to fade. It had been much too intense to be coming from just him. Okanna had sensed it from the students too, if only a little. Kiya, Asui, and Satori had been trying to kill him.

"Two attempts in a day, huh. Seems like you all made good use of your summer and actually planned some assassinations. I'm impressed!" He waved goodbye and headed out the door. The girls didn't bother to give chase. They knew they couldn't take him without the element of surprise.

They called it fake, and they all knew it was fake, but they were still trying, doing everything in their power. They did it because he told them to. He taught and trained them to.

These high school students, many of them not even eighteen yet, could exude bloodlust. Even minute amounts of potent bloodlust were a bad sign. Okanna could only watch in horror all through their attempts, and even after as they talked about what they could have done better, and Kiya apologized profusely to her friends for losing her grip while she rubbed her sore jaw and they told her neither of then could have done better.

Mentally, Okanna was sharpening her knives and cleaning her tools. She had been brought into this life against her will, as a child trying to escape a desperate and horrible situation. It was the worst decision she had ever had to make, and though she was stronger for it, though she was alive when she might otherwise not be, she wanted to keep as many people as possible away from the life she now led.

As she returned to the hotel room she'd made her temporary base of operations, she reworked her timetable to move up the assassination. She would speed up her preparations and kill him at the first opportunity.

[I didn't mean for this chapter to be this short, and I tried to  stretch it out more but it just... ended up being under 1k words anyway.  Idk man, I did my best. Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!]

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