(5.2) Prank time!

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"Could you pass the salt?" Natsu asked her twin brother.

She didn't see him unscrew the top before he handed it to her. She didn't see his barely hidden smile.

She was reading. 

She didn't see. 

She didn't even suspect.

Natsu loved her brother dearly, really she did, but this was the last straw. She was tired of being the butt of his jokes and the victim of his pranks. She stared at the pile of salt in her soup, such a tiny little prank. Practically harmless. But it was one more installation in a long series of relentless inconveniences. She tried so hard to be the bigger person, to not stoop to such childish things, but the long-suffering sister had finally had enough.

This meant war.

"It has to be somewhere," Mirikitani muttered as he flung clothes and art supplies across his room. He'd been looking for hours, practically turned his apartment upside down looking. His mom was irate, but he didn't care. That wasn't important. What was important was that he couldn't find his sketchbook anywhere.

"You had better clean this all up you little shit!" his mom screeched from the kitchen where her drawers were now quite disorderly.

"Mom! I can't find my sketchbook!" He sprinted down the hall, catching himself on the kitchen doorframe just before he rammed into his mother.

"What?" His mother's expression instantly changed from anger to concern. "Where did you last see it?"

"I always put it on my desk before I go to bed, but I . . . I don't remember if I had it last night!"

"Did you leave it in your backpack? Did you go anywhere yesterday?"

"No . . . I was at the park for a while . . ."

"Could you have left it there?"

"No, I remember I had it in my hand when I was walking home . . . and I don't . . . think I dropped it."

"You're sure you didn't stick it in your bag and forget?"

"No. I already checked my bag four times!"

"Well maybe you put it down somewhere else in the house and just forgot. I'll help you look."

It was very late morning when Fuyu finally woke up. Gotta love summer break. He walked to his dresser, not having realized yet that anything was out of place.

Yawning, he opened his underwear drawer, already tugging his baggy t-shirt off in preparation to change, only to find the drawer empty. His fingers met with bare wood, and he dropped his shirt to look inside with confusion. He checked his other drawers, and nothing else was out of place, but all of his undergarments had mysteriously disappeared.

"Natsu! Natsu!" Fuyu put his shirt back on and scurried out of his room running headfirst into Rusui, the family's housekeeper.

"Master Fuyu, what's the matter?" Rusui asked, placing a steadying hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, eh . . ." Luckily, his sister appeared to save him from an embarrassing explanation, or so he thought. "Natsu!"

"Good morning brother, what seems to be troubling you?" 

He was too distressed to notice how oddly she was speaking, but Rusui was not. She looked back and forth between the twins, forming a theory based on their behavior. Fuyu was obviously distressed about something, and Natsu knew what, but was feigning ignorance. This was going to be a real pain, she could tell already.

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