Chapter 3 Recognition & Frustration

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A/N: Just a quick note, there are some sections that get quite risque. Well some of it's downright mature. You have been warned

 Maia ran into the darkened bedroom, the four poster bed of wrought iron just within her reach. She was trying to catch her breath, her arm wrapped around the post. Her laughter bubbled up, then subsided instantly as she caught sight of the man now lounging against the door jamb. He was tall, spectacular shoulders and broad chest tapering to a trim waist and impossibly long legs. Somehow the jeans clinging wickedly to his rock hard thighs were sinful in the extreme. “It took you long enough to find me” She laughed.

 He launched himself at her, scooping her up and flung her on the bed, her face buried in his neck. He laughed, joining her on the bed, he flung his thigh over her hips. “You are mine sweet witch.” His hands travelled her pulsing skin, stripping the t-shirt from her overheated skin deftly. Her breasts tightened and her nipples pebbled under his gaze, her core started to boil. She looked up, her hand trailing his gorgeous chest, his heart throbbed under her fingers. She trailed her fingers up the corded muscles of his neck, her pulse throbbing in time to his.

“You are gorgeous.” She said in a breathy, husky little voice. Her eyes lifted to the strong jaw, and caressed his sensual mouth, the straight nose, and locked to the deep-set cerulean eyes punctuated by the straight eyebrows. He leaned down and kissed her, it was fire. He licked her lower lip, nipped at it. Maia opened her mouth and allowed him entry. The kiss was hard, possessive, punishing in it's force. She moaned. His lips scalding, his tongue slid into her mouth tasting her, duelling with hers and sucked her tongue into the heat of his mouth. She retreated quickly. There was a rumble in his chest. She slid her tongue into his mouth again, tasting him back with an equal amount of heat.

 His big hand trailed from her hip, drawing small circles, to her right breast. His touch was scorchingly hot, she arched into his palm, wanting more pressure on the sensitive globe, her breasts aching unbearably. His hand closed around the globe and squeezed. The nipple trust into his palm. His clever fingers plucked at the hard nub, rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. Maia moaned, her heels digging into the bedding underneath her, her hips rising under his weight. He stopped immediately and pressed her down with a firm hand on her abdomen. Unbearable heat licked at her skin, spiralling into her core and boiling.

 “Now, now. You're so hot.” His laughter rumbled in his chest. “ It won't do for you to go up in flames now, I've waited too long for this.” Abruptly he stood up, his gaze feral, and stepped away from the bed, from her. Her frustration acute, she glared at him. Another deep rumbling laugh washed over her. “Strip” was all he said. She inched off the bed, hoping her legs would hold her.

Okay, so he wanted to play this game. A wicked smile curved her lips as she reached for the button of her jeans and thought better of it. Clenching her thighs together to assuage the burning at their apex, she looked straight into his luminous eyes. She ran her hand over the the waistband of the low slung jeans inching her fingers onto the skin of her abdomen, sliding a finger over her ribcage, mimicking his earlier movements. His nostrils flared slightly and a wild look entered his eyes. Her other hand she brought to her mouth sucking her index finger into the warm recesses of her mouth. She slid the digit out of her mouth and circled one hard nipple , the dampness sliding against her skin. The other trailing hand closed around her breast lightly squeezing the the globe to relieve the ache there. He took a step towards her.

 “Do I look like I'm stripped?” A husky laugh flowed from her throat. He stood still. She reached up and released her hair from its confines and tipped her head back exposing the ivory skin of her neck to him. Slowly she shook her hair out. “Stay put!” She said looking at him, at his nod she turned around. Her heart was fit to burst. She undid the button, the noise loud when it popped free, the zip whispered down. She heard the gasp escaping from his throat. Looking at him over her shoulder she put her thumbs into the waistband. She undulated her hips to an unheard song, slowly slipping the jeans off. Flicking her waist length hair over her shoulder, exposing her spine, she bent down. Then stepped deftly out of them and stood. “You'll pay for that little witch.” His voice rumbled. She turned as he leaped at her and everything went dark...

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