Chapter 4 Battle Lines & Blurred Lines

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A/n: Just a quick note there is some fairly explicit sexual content in this chapter. You've been warned

Maia hitched her legs onto her desk and dragged her netbook into her lap, everyone had left for the day. She could work in peace. The staff for Moon Springs Haven were due to start tomorrow. All the necessary remodelling was complete. Even the indoor heated swimming pool was almost ready. She was just about to reach for her cappuccino when the door to her office swung open. She almost dropped the cup as she looked up. She almost didn't notice the netbook had slid off her lap and landed on the carpet. She frowned.

“Don't you knock?” her voice had gone husky. She awkwardly righted herself . Why was it that whenever this man was in her vicinity her belongings ended up on the floor? Who was she kidding, it was a close thing or she would've been on the floor again herself. “Did you forget something Mr Stone?”she asked, her tone breathy. Jeez when was her voice going to sound normal?

 Gabriel was speechless for a moment. She had obviously been relaxing when he barged in. She immediately dropped her legs from the desk, the laptop crashed to the ground. She stood up from behind her desk. Smoothing her skirt back into position. He wished his hands could be doing the smoothing. She came around the desk.

“May I offer you a coffee or something?” Her tone was irritable.

“ Actually I stopped by to hear if you'd like to join me for dinner?” He said nonchalantly, watching her face very carefully. She looked like she was about to choke.

“ I think you're mad.” She whispered on a puff of air.

“I'm quite serious Maia.” He felt his nerves starting to burn.

“No... I don't go out to dinner with strange men. Leave before I call security.”

 He couldn't let her reach that phone. He leaped at her. The shock on her face was priceless, her fury an amazing aphrodisiac. Gabriel flattened his mate to the floor for the second time in their short acquaintance, however this time there was no altruistic reason for it. He kissed her, savagely, hoping against hope she would feel the mating pull and forego screaming bloody murder. As his lips touched hers all thought fled in the face of scorching passion. It took him a moment to realise the woman he held in his arms was kissing him back fervently. His wolf growled deeply pushing at his human half. Her lips were soft and swollen with arousal, her tongue sensually duelling with his own. He felt her sigh and uttered a deep groan in response. Her arousal crawled over his senses. He felt as if he was going to die, and be happy to go. Round 1 to me Lady Alpha.

 “Will you come with me Maia?” Each word was punctuated by a scorching kiss. His hands had a will of their own roaming her luscious curves. His legs tangled with hers. Her eyes opened, in their depths something writhed. Gold flecks ran together and settled on her left pupil in what appeared to be a crown.


The answer to his question escaped on a whisper. He looked at the exquisite face cradled in his fingers. His gaze floated over the thick black crescents of her lashes to settle on the freckles on her tip tilted nose. He possessively traced the freckles that made up The Three Sisters. She was meant for him. His wolf was pushing, he needed to scent her. Needed...


 Maia was in daze. How the hell did she get herself into this situation. She had to give him credit though. He'd played her expertly. She toyed with knife next to her plate. She stopped suddenly, it wouldn't do to have him think he made her nervous. She relaxed and took a bite of the food in front of her. Maia's eyes drifted to his chiselled face involuntarily. He really was gorgeous. She really couldn't help herself, she was blatantly staring. Heat uncurled in the pit of her stomach. She shifted uncomfortably, moisture beading her inner thighs. She itched to run her fingers through his glorious mane of hair and drag her fingernails over his scalp. The thought shocked her.

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