Chapter 12 Betrayal and the form of Vengeance

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to a very special Fan. You twisted my arm into posting here on wattpad, so this one is for you bluebabes! ;)

“So what are your thoughts on this situation Conor?” Conor's mouth was hanging open, AGAIN. The thought of being forcibly separated from his mate literally made horror crawl up his spine.

“Luna Gabriel, this is dangerous. So what is Maia planning to do with this travesty?” The indignation was written all over his handsome face.

“She has decided that we must force a challenge. Elsa doesn't know that Maia is already a wolf. She also doesn't know that I've mated Maia. We must keep those two facts quiet. Maia has taken it into her head to make a rather loud statement. I suspect the extreme reaction is down the the Dire gene, well either that or the mating has affected her really strongly.” Conor absorbed what he was being told.

“So what about this potion business? I mean, can the thing really sever you from Maia?” Conor felt the revulsion crawling through him. It was just so wrong. Elsa would be sorry she was ever born. He had no doubt the punishment Maia had in mind for her would be severe. She was certainly capable. A techni-colour scene of the cabin debacle played out in his mind's eye. He shook his head slightly. He certainly wouldn't fuck with the new Alpha Bitch. That a potion could be used to sever mates from each other literally made his stomach revolt in disgust.

“I understand the potion is temporary. Three days or so. Other than that I have no idea what the potion actually does.” For the first time in so many years he noticed fear written large on Gabriel's face.

“So are you at least going to introduce Maia to your parents and the pack?”

 The dinning hall was packed to the rafters. Everyone on pack lands was squeezed into the large room. They were all dying to get a glimpse of their future Lady Alpha. The large doors opened admitting the pack Elders. The stately couple made their way between the pack members to the dais set at the head of the room. Elena looked at her mate.

“This will be really interesting my love.” Michael quirked a dark winged eyebrow at his soul mate.

“Indeed my dear. Our new Lady Alpha is certainly going to cause a stir.” He chuckled.

 Silence descended on the large room as the doors opened. Gabriel walked that much taller having this extraordinary woman at his side. The room was packed. His eyes drifted over every face. So what do you think Babe? These are your people. He looked at her for the first time since they entered the dining hall. Her expression was neutral. He felt the disappointment welling in his chest. Gabriel, I'd love to meet each and every one of them. Needs must it will need to wait till after the challenge has been issued. Don't worry my love. This is going to be fun. Her laughter echoed in his head allowing him to relax.

 Maia scanned the assembled mass of people. She was nervous. Despite her nonchalant demeanour, she wanted to make a good impression on the people she was meant to care for and protect. As her eyes drifted over the pleased looking faces she registered the scent of rotten eggs signifying intense jealousy, and collided with a pair of snapping blue eyes. The woman eyeing her was attractive. Brown hair, interesting features. Well built. She almost laughed at the challenge in the woman's eyes. She and Gabriel arrived at the table on the raised dais.

“Dear friends, brothers and sisters. I have the greatest pleasure in introducing your future Lady Alpha. Please feel free to approach Maia when you're ready to introduce yourselves. All Betas are to report to the conference room to formally meet her.” Gabriel looked out over his family. Every member, bar Elsa's was shinning with excitement. He smiled indulgently, pushing the anger down. Applause erupted in the room, intermingled with wolf whistles and rebel yells. The noise was deafening. He sat down and leaned to greet his mother. “She seems to be accepted well. Time will only tell how the pack react to her.” He realised he wasn't even feeling nervous. He just felt secure and happy. The noise died down to a low humming as the pack excitedly chatted amongst themselves.

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