Get dressed you imbecile

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One second Simon was thinking about Baz and Agatha, and the next he was startled awake by the sound of a piercing scream that cut through the night air like a sharp knife.

The door was flung open as Simon jumped out of bed to investigate. Someone called his name as a light blinded him. He blinked, trying to process what was happening. Baz stood before him with a weird expression on his face that Simon had never seen cross his cool features. Then miracle of all miracles Baz's cheeks were coloured with a pink tint. Baz was...blushing!?

He even turned his head slightly , and avoided eye contact.

Baz attempted to clear his throat, "You heard it I presume?"

Simon cocked his head to the side slightly before replying frankly, "The whole bloody castle heard it!"

Baz scowled (back to his normal demeanor) and retorted,

"Get dressed you imbecile were going to investigate."


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