Baz is no longer brooding :)

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Usually, when you're mad at someone, the last thing you want to do is hang around them, but for Simon this was a rather difficult task. And no matter how many times he tried...had tried... to get the Head Mage to switch them, they'd always been stuck together again in their little dorm room on the 5th floor of Watford's school for Mages. Which really sucked, seeing as how Simon was mad at Baz (or the other way around) nearly 99% of the time. Snow had been looking forward to going to spend the Holidays with his father, the Head Mage, but it seemed that this would no longer be a possibility.

Luckily, though, Simon believed that things with Baz could really only go uphill from here. Right...? This was Simon's first mistake.

As Simon continued to stalk blindly through the hallways, and up to the 5th floor, he prayed to Aleister Almighty that Baz would be out of the dorm room. Maybe this was his second mistake in his actions that evening, It's hard to decide which of the many he should've observed. Of course, as he swung open the door, he had a full view of Baz sprawled across his dark bed sheets, blending in to the rest of his "bright and cheerful" side of the room.

Baz's long legs were stretched over the end of the bed and his white school shirt was wrinkled and un-tucked. Simon's eyes lingered on his thin frame.

'Doesn't he eat?'

'I thought he was fit! I know he's a good runner, maybe he's thin and fit...'

Lines crossed his pale face, and his dark eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. His grey eyes flickered over the pages so quickly, that Simon thought they looked like little marbles. Spinning an darting with grace and focus. After a second of staring at Baz's eyes, he quickly returned his glance to the back of the book Baz was reading.

Simon scowled at it, and crossed his arms.

Baz laughed at something before glancing up at him over the tattered book he was reading (Bram Stoker's Dracula). When he registered that it was Snow at the door, he reacted quite differently then Simon had expected. Simon had drawn up the resolve to address his issues with Baz and clear everything up, but his mind was wiped clear when he saw Baz's face.

He was smiling. It was a kind of half smile that border lined between an,


and an

"Oh-hey-there-favorite-roomie!-Nice-to-see-you-made-it-back-alive-and-well,-care-for-a-cuppa'?", sort of smile.

Simon was pretty sure that he knew which one he was probably wearing, but did nothing but narrow his eyes, shrug, and walk towards the bathroom. So what if Baz's was plotting to kill him in his sleep or something, it's what Simon had always suspected since their first night.

He let the hot shower wash away his suspicions. Tomorrow morning, he would ask Agatha to the dance. Then she would say yes. She would be his and only his, and Baz would have to go stag.

Simon almost cackled with glee as he stepped out of the misty shower door. He reached into the fading yellow cupboard next to the sinks and pulled out a towel. The mist was still to thick for him to see his reflection. He ruffled his hair a bit before moving to wrap the towel around himself, but hesitated for half a second after noticing a light blue stain on the towel. He hated to imagine how the people before him could have possible created it, before continuing to wrap it around his lower waist. It was awfully quiet on the other side of the door. He stopped a moment, to listen for Baz's breathing but was met with utter silence.

Figuring this was a good sign, he strode to the door and flung it open. Or tried to at least. As soon as it swung a few centimetres it collided with heavy force, with another object on the other side. Said object, went sprawling into a gangly heap on the floor before Simon, swearing and cursing like an angry sailor.

"Blimey Snow! Easy on the weights, yeah?"

"What the bloody hell were you doing outside the bathroom door, you wanker!?" Simon roared back, the pleasant feeling from the shower being sucked from his soul down an invisible drain.

"Well, you know, I was just walking by and err..." Baz started looking bashful at the door behind Simon and clutching a hand to his bleeding lip.

"Yeah? And where were you going? To stare out at the gorgeous view of the courtyard outside our window? In the dark!?"

"Mmmm hmmm. You know, Snow-" he started with a sly grin, but stopped mid sentence to stare at something above Simon.

"What? What are you looking at? See you have no excuse to-"

Baz's face was turning a miraculous shade of red that had Simon's sentence trailing off into the air.

He's never seen so much colour in his face.

After a ten second pause Baz's face faded to normal and he quickly got up, and whisked out of their dorm room looking determined and something else.



Wait no...guilty.

Simon proceeded to get ready for bed, and tried to let sleep take him. It was hard, however, since Baz still hadn't returned. He couldn't imagine what he was up to, prancing around the castle at night looking guilty. When Simon finally fell into a slumber it was fitful and full of extremely weird dreams.


Once at least 20 paces outside of the room, Baz doubled over in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. How he'd managed to keep a straight face in there he couldn't tell. After feeling his swollen lip, and taking in Simon's bare chest and arms (which he'd found unpleasantly pleasant), he finally noticed his hair. When he'd spelled it into Snow's shampoo, he'd thought the purple bottle had said blond dye. Bleach blond to be specific. Like white bleach blond, but no. This. This was so much better. He wasn't sure how it had happened, but the bottle had turned Snow's hair blue. A brilliant topaz blue that, actually complimented his eyes quite nicely. When Snow found out, he'd likely believe that Baz was planning to destroy the world next. He was extremely dramatic when it came to these things. He even considered Baz to be evil. Little did he know that Baz planned on being the one to save the world of Mages.

Nevertheless, he had succeeded in part 1 of his master plan. Now he just had to get Snow down to the Dining Hall without noticing. It was all coming together quite nicely.

Baz smiled and slipped his hands into his trouser pockets as he walked down the 5th floor hallway.

Who said saving the world couldn't be fun?


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