Chapter 19- Decisions

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  • Dedicated to Oncers Dying From Hiatus

so ive noticed that this story has 1,500 reads! thank you so much! the gif fit so well for this chapter omg

Regina's POV

I was pissed. enough is enough, it was time to settle things with this frozen bitch. I had put up with enough of her stupid freezing the town, and threats, and moreover, taking my man.The woods were dark and silent, but i followed the icy trail to the barn that I had come to know well thanks to the evil attempts from my sister. I had donned some of my Enchanted Forest attire, and my heart was hidden somewhere back in storybrooke, since the man I had once trusted it with now no longer had his own. I could feel the cold seeping into my clothes, and resisted the urge to light a fire. I couldn't waste my power, not with an opponent even rumple was afraid of. 

A blue frost glowed around the barn, and the doors hung wide open. I nearly slipped on the ice, but regained my composure. 

"Hello your majesty, I see you've returned to your old clothing. Does that mean you've returned to your nasty habits again too?"

I glanced around, trying to find the source of the voice. Parts of the old rickety structure cast shadows, leaving room to hide a figure. 

"Having your true love ripped from your grasp can be an awful thing, Regina. It can turn you into someone you never wanted to be, but sometimes that's who we really are," Murmered the queen, stepping out of the shadows.

"and what the hell would you know about true love?" I spit back at her, moving a step closer. I knew that she had a mini army hidden in those shadows, just waiting to kill me.

"You seem to believe that villians can't fall in love, but look at your own story regina. Isnt true love what ruined your life in the first place? We arent so different, my dear. I used to envy you, look up to you. I would hear of your massacres, the way you ripped beating hearts from the living, and I would long to be like you. I too lost a love, and I know the power that comes from causing others pain," whispered the snow queen. 

"Is that why you brought me here? To cause me pain?" I questioned her, anger rising in my stomach. I was going to kill this witch if she said another thing about us being the same.

"That, and so i can destroy you, but that comes later. First, I need to destroy you emotionally."

With a wicked smile, the snow queen shot a blast of ice into the air, elsa and a man appeared from the shadows, dragging Robin into the center of the floor.

"Here is your choice, you allow Robin to live, but he kills you, and we lose another unnecessary evil, or, you kill him, and roland and his mother become a widow and his orphan. There is, of course, one last option."

The queen smiled, and snapped her fingers

Henry's POV

I ran down main street, screaming for Emma. She and hook would be out for their Friday night dinner, but this couldnt wait. The book was glowing, and had been that way since I had found it in the park. Words and stories were appearing, but they were recent, since emma had first appeared in storybrooke.

"Emma!" I screamed as I burst into the diner. everyone turned and stared as i slammed down into the booth beside my mom.

"Henry, what's wrong?" she questioned, pushing her dishes away.Hook grabbed the book and flipped it open. His eyes scanned the pages, and he flipped through the stories. he turned to the final page where a picture of Regina kneeling over a limp robin hood was beginning to appear. in a sudden burst of light, the book glowed white hot, and hook dropped it onto the table. Emma grabbed the book and flipped to one of the final pages.

"A time portal?" she questioned at a picture of a group, a crying marion hugging roland at the front.

"We gotta get to Gold," I answered, before rushing out the door, accompanied by everyone else in grannys.

"Lets go get ourselves a Snow Queen" yelled grumpy, leading the citizens of storybrooke running down main street

Okay! double cliffhanger! im too tired to write too much, but its my birthday tomorrow so cut me some slack. Ive started another story but this one will be done soon, it was my first fanfiction so its sad but oh well. feel free to check out the other stories on my page, i will be co writing a new 5sos michael fanfiction with my bestfriend, so thats starting along with my new post apocolypse story eden, and my teen fiction anything. ill be sure to update soon, i love you so much, and its only two more weeks!

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