Ch. XV

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Arthur Morgan certainly had a knack for getting drunk, you had to give him that. The downside? He also had the necessary experience to know that being the only drunk was not to his advantage.

The entire evening had been a back-and forth of beer bottles and shots of whiskey, which, admittedly, you started, but he had the tenacity to continue. You'd bought each-other drinks until you'd lost count and had ultimately ended up leaning against the counter to avoid collapsing and giggling like two morons.

"So lemme get this straight..." A giggle interrupted your sentence, which earned a chuckle from Arthur, and a stern look from you as you jabbed your finger against his chest to stop him from laughing. This was a serious matter. "You took the train all the way to Saint Denis. Just to sell a damn wolf pelt."

Arthur tossed back the remains of his shot, then simply nodded.

"You're shitting me."

"I got good money for it."

"You're shitting me."

"I ain't."

"You traveled all this way for a wolf pelt." It was more of a dry statement than a question.

"Well you can't just walk into the damn general store and sell it!"

"So you just—"

"Yes!" Arthur interrupted you, then called for another shot, gesturing at both his and your glasses.

Silence settled between the two of you as your drinks were being refilled. The lack of dialogue hadn't gone by unnoticed. A prostitute (or what you assumed was one), had used it to saunter over to Arthur's side and lay a hand on his arm tentatively. The woman was the epitome of beauty: pearly blue eyes, slim face, long, dark blonde hair and perhaps the most innocent, winning smile you'd ever set eyes on.

"You lookin' for some fun tonight, big boy?"

You had no idea why exactly her presence made your stomach churn, but you knew you wanted her gone.

Arthur politely shook his head and moved away from her, not enough to seem repulsed, but enough to dismiss her. "No thank you." He gestured towards you sloppily, small smile on his face. "Got just 'bout enough company on my hands."

The girl walked away without another word.

In spite of the relief rushing through your slowed, drunken thoughts, you still slapped his shoulder playfully, to which he grinned like a fool.

"'M sorry, I figured you'd rather I don't abandon you for a prostitute." He raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Aren't you a gentleman."

"I reckon I gotta be, since the ladies and horse experts love me so much." He grinned wolfishly at you, yet was quick to avert his attention towards his refilled glass the moment he'd received it.

"You wish." You shot back, then snatched his glass from him the moment he'd set it down, taking a sip as well. Arthur watched you with a mix of surprise and smugness.

"Guess that's true."

The boldness of your inebriated state demolished all verbal restraints you had. Which, to be fair, weren't all that numerous anyways. "What, you're really gonna tell me no woman ever fell for..." You sloppily pointed at him. "this?"

"We both know that's just bullshit you're spittin' out there."

"I'm a woman." You punctuated your sentence by tapping your index against the counter. "I know what the hell I'm talking about."

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