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You'd never seen something quite as intimidating as the Saint Denis police station. It stood proudly, imposingly, two officers beside each side of the main entrance, as if to scare off anyone that was willing to try anything.

But you couldn't care less, not when Arthur was in there. Nodding for Mary-Beth to follow, you entered, glancing around. The police station was pretty much empty, aside from a few officers here and there, and the criminals locked up inside the cells. You couldn't recognize Arthur amongst them.

It looked like you'd have to ask around. And what better place was there to start other than the small wooden bureau beside the entrance, where a young man in a uniform sat?

"Hello, officer." You leaned on the desk, putting on your most innocent and curious expression. "We was just...passin' by and my sister here started wonderin' if there happened to be a certain criminal locked in your station..." You gestured at Mary-Beth, who put on a shy, but very much winning smile.

The young man's eyes almost nervously trailed over your figure, next over Mary-Beth's, then skipped back and forth between her and your face. He added a yappy, shaky: "Sorry ma'am, we don't allow visitors here." Getting past him should be a piece of cake.

"Visitors?" You laughed dryly, ironically — that was, precisely, your intention. But he didn't have to know that. "No no no, officer, I wouldn't dream of it! Can't two girls just be curious?" You inched just a bit closer to his desk, brushing your fingers over his knuckles. "Especially if they're quite the admirers of the work done at the Saint Denis police station?"


It was the girl's turn to put her acting skills to good use. "Why, yes, of course! What you men do here must be quite laborious. I can't even imagine what it's like to be fueled only by thirst for righteousness and seek out these dastardly men just to put them in their place!" Mary-Beth sighed for effect. "If only the world had more people like you, officer."

"And if only the world had more women like you two, who recognize the hard work we put in—"

This was taking too long.

"Oh yes, if only!" You exclaimed and took the officer's hand in two of your own, smiling giddily. For Arthur. You were doing this for Arthur. "You see, me and my dear sister Elizabeth heard you could be keepin' one of them horrible outlaws here — Arthur Morgan, was it? Would you be kind enough to satiate me and Elizabeth's curiosity...?"

"Yes, indeed...I— It's Arthur Morgan, one of the Van der Linde Gang's most important assets. I can't say for sure but there's talk of hanging him in a couple o' days—"

You put on your best anger-torn expression, turning towards Mary-Beth and, letting go of the lawman and instead clasping her hand in yours. "Oh, my dearest Elizabeth, I told you it was true! I knew he was here, that horrible, horrible man! He needs to pay for what he did to us! And to mama and auntie!"

Mary-Beth was experienced enough to actually start crying the most convincing fake tears you'd ever seen. She started wiping at her face with the back of her unoccupied hand, looking between both you and the officer with big, pleading eyes. "Please don't mention mama! I can't— I can't bear to think of it."

"There, there, Elizabeth. I am so sorry." You gave Mary-Beth's shoulder a gentle pat, then looked at the policeman. "Please, officer, we ain't asking for much, we just want to see him, and make sure he knows what he'll swing for."

"Miss, he will swing, there's no need to-"

"Please. You have no idea what he did to me. To my dearest sister." Mary-Beth faked a sob, then gestured towards you. "And to my family."

You took the officer's hand in yours again, looking at him in the most pleading, desperate way you could manage, which almost felt like showing your true emotions.

Overwhelmed, the young man looked away, to his side, and cleared his throat. Confused, you followed his gaze and — oh no.

Another lawman, a tad older than the one in front of you had been dozing away on a wooden chair in the corner of the room, legs sprawled out and hat placed over his forehead to cover his eyes. He lifted it slowly, then looked at the younger officer, giving a curt nod. But not without mouthing something you managed to understand far too well. Watch them.

A quick glance at Mary-Beth confirmed she was very much aware of everything as well.

Satisfied with the response, the young man shyly pulled away from you. "I can take you to him, miss, but only with supervision."

One officer, inexperienced at that too? You could work with that. Hell, with the added help of Mary-Beth, you could even try breaking Arthur out of there. Maybe.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Both you and your so-called 'sister' cried, then followed suit when he started walking.

Steps echoed behind you the moment you'd passed the older officer's chair. Shit.

Now what? You couldn't deal with two!

"Right this way." The officer's keys rattled as he guided you into another room with stairs that descended underground, into an isolated cell. Hosea had been right about that. "Arthur Morgan."

You almost hesitated to enter. Almost.

You took one last breath, then stepped in, followed by both officers. The small room was packed with other lawmen, armed to the teeth. Your eyes immediately drifted to the cell, searching for Arthur, until they stumbled across a lean, dark form laying on the bench in the cell.

He looked worse than you remembered. Blonde hair disheveled, eyes sunken and dull, staring at the wall. He looked like he hadn't eaten properly in days, if at all. Not to mention the state of his clothes, which you bitterly remembered he had always kept in a decent state. This poor, poor man.

He had done this for you. And this was where love had gotten him.

"Arthur Morgan, you goddamn bastard!" You shouted, probably enough to wake up the entire neighborhood. He flinched at the sound of your voice, jumping up to his feet. You stomped towards the bars, just to see his face better, to dedicate it to memory. This could be the last time you'd see it, ever, if things went wrong.

His expression lit up immediately, shifting into one of disbelief. Your heart broke at the realization that he probably thought he was dreaming. "(Y/n)?" He then glanced at Mary-Beth, eyes growing even wider, but he refrained from saying any more names. Good.

"You bet your fucking ass it is, Morgan!" You gripped the bars, trying to seem angry, and not go soft at the confused, almost puppy-like look in his gaze. He was actually thinking he'd done something wrong, this poor man. "Listen to me nice and clear, because I ain't going to repeat myself!"

Confusion, as well as guilt settled on his expression now. It hurt to throw words like this at him, but you had a facade to keep up. "I talked to uncle Tacitus. He'll be there. With all our cousins. To see you hang for everything you've done, Arthur Morgan. To watch you take your last breath. As will I. I will be there and observe and enjoy every single second of it, because I want to make sure you go to hell and stay there."

You hoped you'd gotten the message across. It took Arthur a few seconds, but when a glint of enlightenment sparked in his eyes, you had trouble holding back a smile. Perfect.

"Oh, don't worry, woman, I will. And I'll be there, in the depths of hell, waitin' for you to join me." He growled.

He'd understood what this was about.

You turned towards the two men, ignoring the other heavily armed ones, and smiled.

"Me and my sister can't possibly thank you enough, gentlemen."

The older officer shook his head dismissively, then gestured for you to get out.

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