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"Ah, you're up." A somehow familiar, boyish voice spoke up. You blinked, squinting to adjust to the light.

Shoulders and back aching, you groaned at the realization that you must've been resting on a hard surface. Lovely.

You'd never felt quite as trapped as then, when you realized you were surrounded by iron bars — a cell. It neighbored with that two other prisoners, who were quietly sitting on cots. You knew none of them, which still provided relief to some extent.

You jumped out of your skin when the metallic sound of metal clashing against metal rung out, and were surprised to see a familiar face.

The officer you'd fooled not more than five days ago. He had tapped the barrel of his gun against the bars of your prison cell.

"Bet you didn't think you'd see my face again." He said in a sing-song voice.

Indeed, you hadn't.

But that didn't mean you couldn't try to use that to your advantage. After all, what good were acquaintances for, if not for being used?

"Why am I here?" You asked in a soft, innocent and high-pitched tone, looking into his eyes. "I didn't do anything...! This all must be some kind of terrible mistake."

"Doubt it, miss." He answered, leaning sideways against the iron bars as he looked at you. "My fellow officers found you on the roof of a building just opposite the platform where Arthur Morgan should've been hanged. With a sniper rifle and all."

You exhaled in relief. The officer's words rang in your head: Arthur should have been hanged. He had escaped.

Now only you needed to do the same.

"Look at me." You said, gesturing at yourself. "I'm a woman. Do I look like I know how to shoot a gun?"

"You don't gotta be a genius to pull a trigger, miss."

"How do you know I haven't tried to kill Arthur Morgan after he'd escaped?"

"Come on, now, we ain't blind." He explained, smile everlasting and slowly growing wicked. "I saw you shooting the rope, then helping Van Der Linde. Seems a bit like too much of a coincidence."


You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, plopping back down on your cot. The shabby, cheap wooden board let out a painful squeak. "Well, then. You people gonna hang me too, or what?"

"Killin' a lawman and a gang member ain't the nicest thing to do, but it don't compare to all the things Morgan's done." He laughed in amusement. "Nah, miss. We're taking you to the penitentiary."

Perfect. Sounded like you were in for a dream trip to a gorgeous island.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

You sighed, playing with your sleeves as you tried to make yourself as comfortable as possible on small, the overfilled bench inside the cage-like carriage. A woman beside you protested with a grunt and a sharp glare, but said nothing more.

Across from you sat a man that continuously hit his head with his own palm, muttering something intelligible, and if you were to be frank, you wanted to put as much distance between him and yourself as humanly possible. Not that the cramped space particularly allowed it.

You mentally exhaled in relief at the fact that you probably wouldn't see him anymore after this, seeing as the penitentiary would divide you based on gender.

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