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A silent approach never felt and probably never would feel like your style, but pickiness was a luxury you could not afford. Not when you were trying to save an outlaw from...a bunch of other outlaws.

You had retrieved a fair amount of throwing knives from your horse, and hoped to put those to use. You'd hitched your horse to a tree, made Lobo stay, and watched the plateau, waiting for the right time to strike. Approaching it proved to be mote difficult, since you lost sight of them when you reached the base of the hill. Making out the conversation between the O'Driscolls proved to be a fairly easy task.

"That has to be crap, it ain't worth the risk." One of them spoke up.

"Colm's got a sense about Van Der Linde. He can play him!" Another argued. "Once he realizes we got his man here, they'll all come right into the trap, mark my words. And then we can head off, free as birds."

So that was their plan. Use Arthur as bait to catch his entire gang, and turn them in to the law. Now that — that would surely be rewarded with a pretty paycheck. It was almost, dare you say, ingenious, especially considering all the rumors you'd heard about Colm O'Driscoll being a brainless lowlife.

"I hope so." Were the last words before the conversation died out.

The next thing you registered, aside from the crackling of the campfire, were rustling leaves and steps. Dragged, but light, and almost unidentifiable if one didn't pay attention. Out of instinct, you darted into a more well-forested area, watching the top of the plateau. Your chest felt like it could practically burst with every single heartbeat and breath. If someone discovered you, that would be the end of your rescue mission.

A broad, barrel-chested, yet crouching silhouette appeared. You didn't have to look twice to know who it was. Arthur.

"He's escaping! Shoot him!" One of the other men shouted.

"Relax! Relax, I got him." In the moonlight, you saw Arthur's expression melt into one of fear as he tried to drag himself away with what little energy he still had, but to no avail. A well placed shot later, he collapsed, and the other men easily caught up with him.

Your rifle, you needed your rifle

Hands trembling and slick with sweat, you reached to the weapon strapped to your back.

"Did I kill ya?" One of the O'Driscolls shouted mockingly, looming above Arthur's frame.

"Oh, not yet." Arthur answered on the same tone, yet his voice was laced with pain, like he was stifling a scream.

The three of them chuckled while they crowded around him. "Nah, of course not." One of them spoke up, loading his gun. "But I will."

You acted on impulse. Luckily, your impulse had been one of the best things to ever happen to you. A perfectly timed headshot later, the one that had threatened Arthur dropped to the ground like a felled tree.

"What the fuck—" Another shouted, but never managed to finish his sentence. Those were quite the intriguing last words, in your good opinion.

The third one had been smarter, hooked his arm around Arthur's neck and dragged him up this feet to use him as a human shield. With the other hand, the O'Driscoll switched between pointing a gun at his surroundings, and Arthur's temple.

"Get out, wherever the hell ya are, or I'm shooting this damn bastard!" He shouted. Arthur pawed at the O'Driscoll's arm, trying to free himself from the man's grasp, but to no avail. "You got five seconds! Five! Four! Three! Two!"

Talk about a rescue mission going absolutely stellar. You bit your lip, slowly rising from your hiding spot.


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