five - six

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Two words - brace. yourselves. :)


Controlling the earth is a powerful ability, I admit, but being able to fly – now that’s just sweet! And sick! And incredibly liberating.

Not that I got any sight-seeing or soul-searching to do during the short while I was up in the air with Super Storm as both of us flew into Haynorr. There were snipers on every roof but a simple gush of wind bringing the desert sand onto their eyes was enough for us to reach their blind spot. The radar did catch us though. Wouldn’t expect anything less from a supermax prison!

Gunfire rang out from all sides and I pulled up chunks of earth to come and shield us. My powers were weakened so high up, but I only needed to provide assistance – Super Storm was already doing a hundred tasks at once; controlling the air around me so that I could fly beside him, creating mini sandstorms to keep the guards from getting proper aim at us, and now he was summoning gales to take out the automated machine guns raining bullets at us.

“Go,” he hissed at me as a warning and, the next second, he dropped me on the roof of the most secure building in the facility.

I landed on my feet and immediately dropped to the ground so as to not get shot. Within seconds, two large arms made of earth and rocks erupted on both sides of the building, crushing the guards and the guns stationed on the roof.

The ones on the other roofs and locations, however, were still firing at Super Storm, who was dodging the bullets as easily as Aspen hits the tennis balls.

Mentally frowning at where the thought suddenly came from and leaving Storm to deal with the guards on his own, I ran towards the staircase leading into the building. It wasn’t even locked – apparently, they never expected anyone to fly onto their buildings.

My victory was short-lived, however, as the moment I entered the building, I knew I was screwed. It was made of pure steel, so thick I could barely feel the earth pulsing beneath it. With a harrowing start, I realised I was completely out of my element.

Gunfire rang out and I jumped behind the nearest wall. I heard guards come barrelling upstairs.

I clearly should’ve thought it through. I was in a maximum security prison, completely cut off from my element, and very pathetically trapped.

I thought the strange sensation I felt pulsing through my veins was fear, but when I saw my fingertips glowing red, I realised it was the very opposite of fear.

Had I reconsidered what to do, I wouldn’t have done it. Pyrokinesis was not something I was proud of – hell, I barely even acknowledged it. Geokinesis was a gift, this was a curse.

I pushed myself out of my hiding spot and let all my rage flow through my fingers into the air which combusted into flames, swallowing the guards and leaving only screams and ashes in the wake.

I made my way down the stairs, towards the basement which, I could feel, was flooded; so Garnet had to be there. Along the way, I saw bodies lying on the floor, ones I hadn’t burned, so I knew I was going in the right direction.

By the time I reached the basement, I was a mess. All the floors above me were burning, smoke snaking its way out through the vents and the stairs. Alarms were blaring, but that was all – there was not a single guard in sight. The floor wasn’t completely flooding, but there was still enough water to reach my ankles, coloured red with blood and reeking of death.

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