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Okies so I'mma make a lil senario with Anna and Azusa so ya. I hope chu enjoy! ^^

Anna's P. O.V

I yelled as I sprung up from my bed, hyperventilating. Probably another nightmare... Maybe... I should see Azusa-kun? He usually helps me out with these things.

Without hesitation, I got up and started walking out of my room. It didn't take long for me to reach Azusa's room. I grabbed the doorknob and walked in slowly.

"A-azusa..?" I questioned quietly. "Yes...Eve?" I looked over to where the voice was only to find that Azusa was Actually awake. "Oh...A-azusa. I was just wondering if I could sleep with you....I had another nightmare..." Azusa's expression softened. "Of course...Eve. You can...Sleep with me." He moved over a little bit.

3rd Person P. O. V

Azusa moved over a bit so Anna could lay down next to him. As soon as the girl laid down, Azusa wrapped his arms around her. "Eve... I'll make the nightmares... Go away...just for you..." He said in a quiet tone.

"Th-thanks Azusa..." The girl said as she stared to close her eyes. Azusa had his hand on Anna's wrist, feeling her pulse as a reminder that she's there. She's real she's...alive. "Someday...you will be...mine." Azusa whispered.

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