(sadness) The ways Anna could die

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A. N

Okay... Before you read this, I would like to give you some warnings.

1. These are some very brutal endings and I would like to advise that it will not affect the actual story in "Lost... {Diabolik lovers × OC}

2. U might cry (like I did)

3. This is pretty detailed with the deaths.

Ending 1

As wolves started to circle around Anna and Azusa, She starting thinking "Is this... How it's going to end?" She whimpered slightly. "I don't...know" Azusa said quietly. A wolf suddenly jump towards Anna, about to attack her when Azusa pulled Anna behind him. "A-AZUSA NO!" It was too late. The wolf bit into his neck. Blood splattered onto Anna. She backed away from the scene crying, only to hear growling from the side of her. A wolf stood there, walking towards Anna as it bared it's teeth at her. She couldn't move or speak. Anna was paralyzed by fear. The wolf took this as a chance and pounced on her. It bit into Anna's neck while it's claws dug into her stomach. Anna coughed up blood as her eyes dulled. The girl turned her head towards her lover. The last thing she saw was Azusa's Dull eyes staring into hers before her vision faded to black.

Ending 2

Carla opened the doors to the roof as he was dragging Anna behind him. "C-carla... where are you going?" The brown haired girl asked. He had a glare in his eyes as he got to the ledge and picked the girl up. Carla was holding Anna by the neck. She was over the ledge of the roof.

Carla had a merciless look in his eyes. "C-carla..w-why are you... Do... Doing this..." The small girl choked out. Carla's eyes narrowed slightly. "You know... You are of no use anymore. We don't need you." He said with coldness in his voice. "B-but Carla... Y-you can't... Do this..." Anna's eyes were filled with tears. The white haired male said nothing and began to loosen his grip on the girl's neck. "Wait..C-carla No- NO!" Anna said. But... It was too late. The girl was already falling to the ground. Carla watched mercilessly as the girl's body hit the ground.

Time skip

Azusa was just got back from getting groceries since it was his turn to do so. While he was walking, he noticed a strong scent of blood in the air. The scent smelled familiar so he decided to find out where it was coming from.

When he got there... He saw Anna lying on the ground coughing. There was a pool of blood surrounding her. Azusa hasn't seen Anna in 3 months. He dropped the bag of groceries and ran over to her, grabbing her by the shoulders. "A-anna! How... How... Did this happen?! You're... Covered in blood... Why... " Azusa said panicked.

Anna looked up at him and smiled slightly. "A-azusa... I was.. thrown off the roof... It's okay... Just... Don't... Leave me..." Anna said as she coughed up some blood. Azusa just sat there in tears. "I won't ever leave you... I... I promised..." He said in a soft tone. "good... I mean... I could die here... Or... I could... S-sleep... Here... Which is better for you?" Anna asked with tears in her eyes. " Th-the second... One... " Azusa mumbled.

Anna gave a slight nod. "Then... I'll sing a lullaby...." She cleared her throat slightly.

"Never  mind the darkness...
Never mind the storm...
Never mind the blood red...moon...

The night will be over soon...
The night will be over soon...

Brush away the...sorrow...
Brush away the...tears...
Sing away your...heavy...heart...

The night will be over soon...
The night will be over soon...

For every night goes...quiet...
And every moon grows...blue...
Beyond the dark,...comes something new...

The sun will be rising...soon
The sun will be rising...soon
The sun will be...rising...soon..."

Azusa suddenly hugged her." I'm sorry...." He mumbled. "For...what?" Anna asked quietly.
"I.... couldn't... protect you..." He mumbled. Anna hugged back. "It's not your... fault...just promise me... don't... doubt yourself...I love you... don't ever for me that..." Anna said as her eyes started to close.

"I love you too..." Azusa said burying his face in her shoulder crying as Anna took her last breath. "You were...my everything..."


Oki so the song Anna sang  is Called "Don't be afraid" and it's from the walking dead. I love the game lol
Here's the song if you wanna hear it

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