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T.W Mentions of suicide

Maybe....There is some light at the end of the tunnel.

Late at night, I was planning on killing myself. I just decided to look at some stuff before I go. I was looking at pictures of my family. My mom, my dad, my brother, Then I see my two year old cousin. I thought about what impact my death would have on her life. I stopped thinking completely. At this point. I was so scared I couldn't move at all. Then I started to cry. I ran to my parents room and told them everything. There was a lot going on. My dad was yelling at me. My mom was hugging me. And I was just petrified. It felt like my heart stopped beating. I couldn't sleep at all last night. But at least, I didn't change my family's life for the worst.

 But at least, I didn't change my family's life for the worst

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For those who are thinking about killing themselves, please. Just don't. People care about you and WILL miss you if you killed yourself. If you feel like that, talk to your parent or Guardian. Before it's too late...

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