Chapter 13

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Night fell, and Daryl stayed true to his promise. He got about an hour or so of sleep in, before stepping in the rv and nodding in my direction. "C'mon," he mumbled, trying not to draw the attention of anyone else around me. It was almost comical how quickly I jumped up, sliding my boots on quickly and grabbing my holster from the counter.

Just as we got outside, the RV door swung back open and Andrea was rushing out behind us, trying to slide on her jacket. "Make that three," she called out after us.

"We're gonna go shine tha' light in the woods," Daryl announced, looking up at Dale. He was sat on the top of the rv, gun in hand and binoculars around his neck. "If they're our there - give 'em something to follow."

"You really think that's a good idea?"

"Dale," Andrea snapped, rolling her eyes. Daryl and I looked back and fourth between each other, acknowledging all the tension between the two. Andrea has attempted to stay behind when the CDC blew, and Dale had all but forced her out. He had the best intentions - but Andrea couldn't see past her grief. Not that I could blame her.. if we don't find Ashlynn, I may honestly be in the same boat as her.


I was sitting in the living room, toying with my wet hair. The Greene's had a working shower - complete with hot water and I had to say it felt amazing. The house had since fallen silent, Rick in one of the guest rooms keeping an eye on Carl and Maggie was off doing something to help out her dad.

The older man, who's name I had learned was Herschel suddenly appeared in the living room, an older blonde woman by his side. He was barking out orders on how to prepare the room for Carl's surgery and going over some routine medical questions to "see exactly how much she could handle."

"Excuse me," I interrupted, rising to my feet. "Sorry to disrupt your conversation but, I used to be a nurse before all this.. trauma nurse. I worked in the ER. Carl is from my group ..this happened to him while he was out looking for me..I'd like to help, if you'll allow it."

He looked between the woman and I for a moment, pondering his thoughts. After his decision was made, he nodded at me. "We could surely use the assistance. I'll have Beth bring you something to eat and a glass of orange juice. I need you fully alert the whole time we're in there."

"Of course," I replied. "Thank you."

He nodded once more, and then he and the woman continued through the house - their conversation now a little more quiet as they got further and further away from me. Beth, another one of Herschel's daughters appeared a few minutes later with a sandwich and a glass of orange juice - and I had just about finished them when Maggie bust through the screen door - 2 figures following close behind her.

As they all stepped into the light, I nearly passed out at the sight of them. Glenn and a very sick looking T were standing in front of me now, my reflection mirroring theirs.

"Ashlynn," Glenn gasped, wrapping his arms around me a lot tighter than I thought he was capable of. "Oh my god, it's you."

"It's me," I responded, returning the squeeze. "How's Ady, is she okay? Is she with you?"

"No, she's not with me. But she's fine. Aside from worrying about you. How long have you been here, why are you here?!"

"I fell when I was trying to save Sophia, knocked myself out. Maggie here happened to be taking a ride through the woods and she found me. Probably saved my life. I've been out ever since, I just woke up earlier today. About the time Rick got here, actually."

"What about Sophia, is she okay?"

The smile I had quickly disappeared, and Glenn caught on rather quickly. "What happened?"

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