SEQUEL 2020!!

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Hi Everyone!

Some of you may have seen the note I have already posted, and some of you may have not. If this is repetitive to you, I'm sorry!!

Quick update on LOAP: I have finished the rewrite, but reading back through it there are still quite a few grammatical errors, along with some others that need to be fixed. I know one of them is the fact that Ashlynn's name is spelled different through out every damn chapter so I will be working on that. If anyone wants to be a proofreader please help me! I hate re-reading once I've written. 😅😅💀

Now, I wanted to start off with a little talk about how scary the world is right now. Covid 19 swept in and definitely shook up the lives of everyone. Some people are struggling with having it, loved ones having it, loss due to the illness and the effect the illness has had on the world. Being qurantined in a house all day long for over a month now has proven to be very difficult to my mental health, as I'm sure it is to most of you! Reading has been something that has allowed me to escape that reality for a bit, so I decided it was time for me to do some writing.

Many of you still message me, and comment on LOAP asking for a return of The Way We Were

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Many of you still message me, and comment on LOAP asking for a return of The Way We Were. If you've been with me for awhile, you'll know that I originally wrote the sequel and posted it, but midway through the book I decided to delete it because I had grown extremely unhappy with my writing and I just no longer had the time. Although I really no longer had the interest in continuing the story, or rewriting it, I decided why the hell not. I'm going insane in this house and I have nothing better to do. I don't have an update schedule, but I'm going to aim for at least 1-2 chapters a week. The first chapter is up now, and I hope you all enjoy it!!

Thank you for sticking with me through the years, I hope the sequel is everything you hoped it would be and I hope it helps you escape reality, even if only for a few minutes. My inbox remains open for anyone who may need someone to talk to.

If any of you out there are still working because you are essential and are a fan, shoot me a message! There isn't much I can do but I'd love to dedicate a chapter of the new story to you with a thanks in the notes.

Stay safe and STAY INSIDE!!!💗

Stay safe and STAY INSIDE!!!💗

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