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Asher's POV

The next morning, my mom took Annie and I to the police station, we told them everything we know. They told us they'd get back to us once they have more information and we could go back to the hospital.

When we got back to the hospital I turned on the tv in my room and hopped into bed. Annie came and joined me shortly after. I put my arm around her and she snuggled into me.

"How are you feeling Annie?" I asked her.

"Weird, I mean I feel fine but I also feel a little scared and overwhelmed." Annie said a little ashamed of how she was feeling

"Hey, it's fine to feel like that, you don't need to defend it." I told her and kissed her forehead.

A few hours later Annie left to hangout with Nadia. Shortly after Annie left, Riley and Mads came to visit.

"Hey Asher!" Riley said.

"Hey guys!" I replied.

"How you feeling today?" Mads asked.

"I'm feeling good, how about you guys?" I asked.

"We're good!" Mads replied.

"So... the police questioned us today." Riley said.

"They did?" I asked her.

"Yeah about Annie and Hayden." She said.

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you guys. We told the police and mentioned your names since you guys were friends with her back when it happened." I told them.

"Oh ok cool, that's alright." Riley said.

Riley and Mads stayed to hangout for a little while after.

Annie's POV

I went back to the cafeteria to meet Nadia for lunch.

"Hey Annie!" She called waving me over to the table.

"Hey Nadia, man do I have a lot to tell you." I said with a sigh.

"Ok let's not waste any time, spill!" Nadia said exited and a let out a small laugh.

"So, yesterday before you saw us making out, I told Asher all about what happened between Hayden and I, leaving out... Well you know.."

"Yeah, what he did to you" Nadia said finishing my sentence.

"Yeah and then later some of his friends visited him. And remember my old friend Riley, who I got into a huge fight with before she moved?"

"Yeah, I do." Nadia answered.

"Well, turns out her and Mads moved to Asher's school and they are good friends with him. Like they are in his friend group. When he was talking about me, she realized that it was me that he was talking about and she told him what I didn't. Then she came into my room and we made up from the huge fight we had months ago. Asher and I agreed to tell the police about what happened so that's where I was this morning." I told her.

"Okay wow, you had an eventful two days" she said.

"Yeah, I really did." Laughing a little.

"So, how are you feeling after all of that?" Nadia asked me.

"I'm feeling okay, I think." I told her.

"That's good! Now let's go get some food, I'm hungry!" She cried and we both laughed.

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