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Asher's POV

Today is the first day of physical therapy. I can't wait to start it so I can walk on my own. I want to be able to surprise Annie one day, by walking into her room without help.

I went down to the cafeteria to eat breakfast with Nadia, Darius and Annie.

"Are you exited to start physical therapy today Ash?" Annie asked me.

"Yeah, yeah I am actually." I said.

"That's good and before you know it you'll be walking again." She said with smile.

"Hopefully." I said looking down at my food.

"Don't worry about it. You'll do great." Annie reassured me.

"Be positive!" Nadia said.

"Yeah, don't worry man." Darius said.

"Thanks guys." I said with a smile.

The doctors came to get me an hour after I finished breakfast.

"Hey Asher. You ready?" Dr. Smith asked.

"Yeah." I replied and he rolled me to where the physical therapy was.

It lasted about an hour. They told me I did really well but I'm not going to be happy until I can walk and throw a ball like normal.

It hurt a little to walk and I fell a few times but I was able to talk a few steps. With the help of a bars of course. We didn't work on throwing yet but they did get me to stretch my arms and shoulders.

After physical therapy, I was watching tv in my room alone because Nadia and Darius were out somewhere and Annie was hanging out with her friend Jayden.

After about a half an hour of watching tv, I got a text from Indi.

Indi: Hey Asher. I need to talk you ASAP. Can I come by the hospital.

Asher: Yeah of course.

Indi: Thank you so much. See you in 5.

Asher: Okay.

Indi arrived at the hospital 5 minutes later. When she came into my room, she was a mess. She was wearing sweats, her hair was messy, her eyes bloodshot and her face was tear stained. It looked like she has been crying for hours.

"Hey Indi. What's wrong. Matt told me you have been avoiding him." I said.

"Asher..." She said her voice shaking.

"Yes?..." I said.

"I need to tell you something. Please don't judge me or freak out okay?" Indi said.

"Okay." I said.

"I-I'm p-pregnant." She said stuttering.

"What!? Is it Matt's?" I asked.

"Y-yes. That's why I've been avoiding him." She said.

"Did you guys not use protection?" I asked.

"I don't know. Well, I mean the first few times we did. But I don't really remember the last time we had sex. I think it was a few weeks ago at this party. We both got really really dunk and the only thing I remember is waking up in his bed the next morning." She said crying harder than she was before.

"Hey. Come here." I said softly and gestures for her to hug me. I pulled her in tight and we hugged for a few minutes until she pulled away.

"What should I do." She asked.

"Well, I can't tell you what to do with it because that is yours and Matt's decision. But I think you should tell him." I told her.

"What if he doesn't react well. What if he leaves me?" She asked me and started to freak out.

"Do you love him?" I asked. She nodded her head yes. "Does he love you."

"I think so." She said.

"I know Matt and I don't think he'd leave you. Even if things don't work out with you guys in the future, he'd never abandon you or this baby." I told her.

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you Asher." She said hugging me.

"Anytime Indi." I said with a smile.

"I'm going to tell him now." She said.

"Okay. Well I hope you the best." I said.

"Thanks." She replied.

Indi called Matt and asked him if he was busy. He said no and she asked him to come meet her here.

10 minutes later Matt arrived.

"Indi!" He said and hugged her. "I've missed you!"

"I missed you too." She said with a smile.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked.

"I'm going to tell you but I think you should sit down." Indi told him.

"Okay?.." he said confused.

"Matt...I'm...I'm pregnant." She said.

"You're what?!" He said.

"I'm pregnant." She said again.

"It's mine right?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is." Indi replied.

"Wait, when didn't we use protection?" He asked confused.

"I think at the party because that's the only time I don't remember. Every other time, I remember we used protection." She said.

"Yeah, that would make sense. We were both so drunk." He said.

"Yeah." She said biting her lip.

"I'm sorry." Matt said.

"For what?" Indi asked confused.

"For not using protection." He said looking at his hands.

"Hey, this is not your fault. It takes two people to make a baby." She said holding his hands.

"I love you." He said nervously.

"What? You really love me?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah I do." He said.

"I love you too." She said then smashed her lips onto his.

After about a minute of them making out, I cleared my throat.

"Ahem. I'm still here." I told them and they laughed.

"Sorry man." Matt said.

"It's alright. Now please go make out somewhere else." I said making them laugh again.

"Okay. Thanks. See ya!" Indi said.

"Bye Asher. I'll visit soon!" Matt said.

"Okay bye. See you guys soon!" I said as they left the room.

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