7th Chp

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"Y/N, get your ass up" Carol shouting her throat out in early morning, "Let me sleep" I whined, "Oh, come on! Everyone's already awake" she said, "Jungkook, are you waking up or not!!" I heard Namjoon's voice , I narrowed my eyes to Carol, "Please get up" she requested, I got up, still half asleep. "come out in 5 minutes" she informed and went out of the room. I did my morning routine and got out of the room.

Everyone were already at the dinning table, Yoongi and Alex were cooking and others were helping out. "Do need some help?" I offered, "No, you keep sleeping" Yoongi tonted, I left the kitchen in anger, I could hear Alex saying yoongi to stop tonting me. I was in really fresh mood but yoongi spoiled it.

Tae, jungkook and Namjoon sat with me on the table while others were in the kitchen, Carol was assembling the plates, "Why are you so angry in the early morning?" Tae asked, "All thanks to yoongi! What the hell is his problem?" I groaned, "He can be like this Sometimes, bear with him" jungkook replied.

Others joined us and we started eating breakfast, "What's today's plan?" Namjoon asked, "We are going for hiking!!" Alex and Carol said in excitement, "Didn't we came here to relax?" I said, "It'll be fun, plus the view is breathtaking" she reasoned, "Let's go then" yoongi sighed.

After breakfast, we all started packing stuffs we'll need during our hiking. What's with yoongi? He's been rude to me for past 2-3 days, did I do something? I can't remember. "Kook, that's not fair!!" Carol was shouting at Jungkook while running after him, how long do I have to watch this?, I saw yoongi passed by glaring at me, seriously, what the hell is wrong with him?.

"Do have everything we need? Then let's go!" Namjoon announce, we headed out. "It's not far from here, it's walkable" tae informed, we started walking were the hiking spot is. "It's quite cold here" Carol said rubbing her hands on arms, Jungkook wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in, said something in her ear. There was yoongi, lost in his thoughts, while Alex was walking beside him, how does she bares with him? Namjoon started walking head, leading us the way. While me and tae were walking behind everyone, "You should also go ahead" I said to him, "Why? You don't wanna walk with me" he questioned, "are you depress or something?" He asked, "Yoongi really ignoring me from past 2-3 days" I answered, "He will come around" he comforted with small smile, what's with him today?, "Thanks" I said, he looked confused, "For not going ahead of me" I reason, "I don't leave my friends behind, sweetheart" he smirked, there he goes. "Why do you call me that anyway?" I asked out of curiosity, "Cause you are really sweet!" He answered, "but I don't remember being sweet with you" I said, "Well, that's the reason, you are sweet with everyone but me" he pouted, "I'm sorry, I didn't knew I hurt you" I said with serious expression, he started laughing suddenly, "It's so easy to fool you" he laughed at me, "YOU JERK!!!" I shouted, he started running away from me, I followed him, "KIM TAEHYUNG COME BACK YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" I shouted, I stopped running after him.

"Calm down, Y/N" Carol said from behind as she started walking with me, I glared at him. "Walk with us" Carol said, "And be a third wheel? No thanks" I said and fasten my pace.

"How far it is?" Carol asked, "More half an hour" Namjoon replied, I'm seriously tired, I was walking beside Namjoon, he didn't speak much, busy with his music. Tae was teasing, Yoongi and Alex, they scolded him too, so he joined Carol and Jungkook, they were bearing with his teasing. I could smell the rain like it's going to rain. "I can smell rain, it's going to rain" jungkook said, I looked behind at him, "What?" He asked, "Nothing" I looked ahead.

After hiking until my legs went soared, we finally reached at top. Carol was right scenario was breathtaking, there were fence at the Clif, everything surrounded by greenery. Yoongi was enjoying the scenario, Alex hugged him from back, he responded her hug, Carol and Jungkook were enjoying as well. Namjoon was enjoying by himself. "it's beautiful, isn't it?" Tae commented, standing beside me, "Yes.." I said in low voice. We didn't speak much, just stood there and enjoyed the view.

"Everyone, let's eat!!" Carol announced, we all started walking towards her, "You brought lunch box?" Jungkook asked, "Yup, me and Carol prepared everything and yoongi helped too" she said smiling, she so caring like a mother. We set the mat and started eating, "It's delicious" Namjoon commented, "Yes" jungkook agreed. After eating and wrapping up, we decided to sit there for some time.

"We should get going, otherwise we'll get drained in rain" jungkook warned, "It'll be fun!! I love rain" Carol said, "Then let's get wet in rain" jungkook smirked. My eye lids were feeling heavy, I want to sleep, but as soon as I was going to, the drop of rain fell on my cheek, which made me flinched open my eyes, we all stood up before our clothes could get stained by soil.

"Raining enhanced the view here" Namjoon said, we all agreed, getting wet in rain. After enjoying the the view, we all started going back, rain also slowed down, "it's nice to be in love" tae said pointing out to couples, "Not at all" I opposed, "Namjoon, do you like anyone?" He asked Namjoon, "I do, but I never talked to her" he answered, "Why?" I asked, "I just feel happy loving her in distance" as he said the adorable smile appeared on his face," What if she has a boyfriend?" Tae questioned, "I don't know, but I love her anyway" he answered, Soon the rain completely stopped.

Soon we reached back home, we scattered in our rooms to change. I wanted to talk to yoongi, I knocked on his, Alex opened it, "Can...can I talk to yoongi? If you.. don't..mind" I asked, "Don't hesitate Y/N! I'll come back in minutes" Alex replied with smile and left the room, Yoongi was wearing his hoodie over the t-shirt, "What is it?" He asked, "Did I do something? Like I hurt you unknowningly?" I asked, my voice got heavy, could feel lump in my throat, felt like I'm going to cry, "I'm sorry...it's just" he said holding my shoulders, "I can't see you being like this" he reasoned, "From past 2 months I know you are suffering...seeing them like that....but I get angry because this happened because you hesitate so much" he explained, I looked down, knowing what he said is true. "and I'm sorry, instead of supporting, I.." he apologized, I want to cry, I don't want to feel all this anymore, "Hey...." He said in low voice, as he heard me sniffling, gently hugged me. "It's alright" he said patting my head.  I cried like anything, crying out everything I held back,He didn't stopped me.

I pulled back and started wiping my tears, "Tae, you can come in" yoongi said, which made shocked, I turned back, the door was cracked little, tae came in, "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to hear anything" he apologized, looking down. "You knew he was here?" I asked yoongi, "I didn't wanted to interrupt your crying" he said, "Since, when?" Tae asked, "Before they started dating" yoongi answered, "Don't worry, we'll find you some one better than Jungkook" tae comforted, I laughed, "It's fine, I will try to get over him" I said assuring, "is "talking"over?" Alex asked, "Yeah" I said, "let's get going, otherwise we won't reach back in time" she said.

We all got in the car, everyone sat in same position as we came, but instead, suga and Alex we're sitting beside me while Carol and Jungkook were at the back.

It was nice coming here, I got motivation to move on.

To be continued.


It's really long, isn't it? 😅  I hope you didn't get bored.

Thanks for reading.

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Isn't he is cute. My baby Kookie ❤️💋💋

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