30th chapter(Special chp)

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"So beautiful" Kelli commented as she saw carol in light cream, floor length dress, hair up in bun and face glowing from happiness.

"I'm nervous" she released her breath she was holding back.

"It's okay. Don't be nervous, you are marrying the man that loves you" Kelli comforted. Their moment was disturbed by the knock on the door,

"Shall we come in?" You asked peeping from the door.

"Sure" Kelli smiled, you came in, Alex followed you.

"oh my, my" Alex was amazed as she hugged Carol,

"Where's zee?" Carol questioned,

"She's with her dad" Alex answered,

"tae will go crazy" you laughed, Carol blushed.

"I'll go check the arrangements" Kelli excused.

"I'm really nervous!!" Carol whined,

"Everything will be okay, so chill" you comforted, Carol took deep breath,

"Can I see my daughter?" Carol's dad came in,

"We'll be waiting" Alex said as you both left them alone.

"My little doll grown up so soon" her dad smiled,

"I'm still your little doll,dad" Carol pouted,

"Of course you are" he hugged her,

"I'm happy you are marrying guy like tae" her dad sighed in relief, Carol gained some confidence, she knew she was marrying the right man.


"How's Carol?" Yoongi asked as you and Alex joined him, tae and Namjoon, standing at the end of aisle as an open wedding.

"She's fine" you answered,

"Mommy" zee cried in Yoongi's arms, Alex took her in her arms, as she comforted her.

"what about you tae? You alright?" You asked seeing him little nervous,

"Yes, I'm fine. Just feeling mixture of emotions" he chuckled,

"you gonna slay" Namjoon motivated, you all laughed at him.

"Where's jungkook?" Yoongi asked,

"He's coming from the office, might be stuck in traffic" you answered nodding in disappointment,

"let's get seated" Kelli asked. Taehyung went to stand on the stage, yoongi and Alex with zee sat on the second raw in left side, Namjoon was Taehyung's best man so he stood behind him. Carol's step sister wanted to be Carol's bridesmaid, everyone were settled in their seats. Weather was perfect, Taehyung still seemed nervous. The stage was decorated in pink flowers you didn't knew the name, you were busy admiring the venue.

You felt someone standing next to you, you glared at him knowing it was Jungkook. "Sorry" he whispered, expression seemed like he was really sorry and he's panting confirmed it.

"thank God you were not late on our wedding" you said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes in response. Soon everyone stood up, the bride at one end of aisle arms linked with her father walked slowly. Bride and groom couldn't stop looking at each other. They reached at the stage, Carol's dad handed her hand to Taehyung and stood beside Kelli. Everyone took their seats as the solemniser started reciteing , jungkook held your hand and gave you soft smile. You remember standing their 2 years ago. Heart beating fast, feeling nervous, little worried, excited, Happy, loved. But when jungkook said "I do" all your nervousness and worries melted away and replaced it by the love for the man you just got married.

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