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As the bell rings, we finally arrive to my next class.

"Well... thanks for keeping me company," I turn to Brad with an mocking tone.

"Anytime," he winks, before turning his back to me and walking away. I watch as he disappears from sight and then get into my class. Everyone is sitting by the time I sit down too, we only have to wait for the teacher.


Today's gone by fast, I only realize that I'm in my car, driving back to the dorms. My phone starts ringing as I park my car, so I climb out and pick it up.

"Hey," I greet Maggie through the phone.

"Hi, Eve. Sorry for calling you, but I'm not in our room. I just wanted to know if you would join us later for dinner again?" she asks cheerfully.

"Sure," I open the door to our room with my keys.

"Cool. James is going to pick you up again. See you tonight," she says, before hanging up.

I throw my phone on my bed along with my backpack and I change into something more comfortable. I have plenty time until James comes to pick me up, so I'll use that time to study and maybe watch some TV.


Before I know it, it's 6 pm and James is already waiting for me in the parking lot. I put my hair in a ponytail and hurry outside with my purse. I spot James' car immediately.

"Hello," he greets me as I sit in the backseat. Kirstie is with him again.

"Hey guys," I smile at both of them. Kirstie just smiles at me and turns back around as James starts the vehicle and drives off. This time, he takes us to a diner. I like it better than that small restaurant.

"Hi," I greet the others, sitting down between Maggie and Tristan.

"Finally," Maggie teases. "I already ordered for you, if that's okay."

"Sure," I shrug.

"Ashley, Brad, Connor and Lucy are joining us soon," Tristan says.

"Cool," James nods.

Our food arrives and we start eating, while discussing everything we can, until the others join us. Brad sits down across from me at the table, Ashley next to him. I watch as she leans her head on his shoulder, but have a hard time keeping my laugh in when Brad shrugs her head off. I look over at Maggie, who's grinning at me.

"This is just priceless," she whispers in my ear and I nod.

"What are you two whispering about?" Ashley asks, trying to act like nothing happened.

"Nothing," I shake my head. She eyes me suspiciously, but I decide to ignore it and focus my attention on Lucy.

"He was really sweet on our first date," Lucy smiles at Connor, who returns it. I can't help, but smile as well at their cuteness. I get snapped out of it, though when I feel Brad's eyes on me. I look at him and he is staring at me. He's unfazed again. How does he do it? I'm never this calm when someone catches me staring at them.

"Do you want some?" Ashley offers Brad her bottle of beer.

"I'm driving," Brad rolls his eyes at her.

"Come on. One sip won't hurt," she grins at him, but doesn't seem to convince the curly haired boy.

"I said no, Ashley. Stop forcing shit on me," Brad snaps. Everyone at our table turns their attention to them and watch with curiousity. Ashley's mouth falls open, as well as mine, Kirstie's and Lucy's.

"I just..." she mutters.

"So..." James tries to change the subject. "How do you like college, Eve?" he turns his attention to me.

"Uhm, I really like it," I smile at him. He returns my smile and the others start talking at the same time. I don't know who to listen to, so I just keep eating in silence. I catch a few sentences from everyone, but can't understand what they're talking about.

When everyone finishes their dinner, we walk out the diner and into the parking lot.

"Shit. Eve, I'm sorry, but I can't drive you back to your dorm," James looks up from his phone.

"It's okay. I'll walk back. Maggie?" I turn to my roommate.

"I'm going over to Kirstie's dorm for a bit. We have a project to work on," she shrugs.

"Oh, okay," I nod.

"You don't have to walk home. I'll drive you. Ashley, you're going with Connor or Tristan," Brad speaks.

"What?" Ashley looks at him, taken aback.

"You heard me. Come on, Evelyn," he motions to his car.

"But why can't I go with you two?" Ashley furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't start it again," Brad sighs. I hear Ashley mutter something under her breath, before she sits in Connor's car.

We say goodbye to each other and I sit in Brad's car, waiting for him to join me. He shakes hands with the boys and sits in as well, starting the vehicle.

"Why are you so rude to Ashley?" I ask as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"She's getting on my nerves," Brad answers.

"Why, though? She was just trying to be ni-" I say, but he cuts me off.

"No, she wasn't," he snaps. I immediately shut my mouth and turn my head towards the window. He has a temper... "Sorry."

I look over at him and see that he's genuinly sorry. I bite my lower lip and start playing with the sleve of my shirt.

"It's just... Ashley can be annoying sometimes. She tries to force everything on you and doesn't take a no," he explains. I stay quiet as I watch him. My eyes wander down to his arm. I never noticed how muscular his arms are. I have a better view on them now that he's driving. "Like what you see?" he snaps me out of my staring and smirks at me.

"No," I lie, looking out of the window. He just chuckles, turning on the radio.

DECEPTION; Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now