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The whole week gone by really fast, and now I'm getting ready for the one event I wasn't waiting at all. My dad's birthday party. I know I'm going with Brad, but it's still gonna be hell. All his rich, business friends are going to be there. I'm sure none of them even know my name, but they still talk to me like we've been friends for ages.

"Hey," Brad smiles at me, leaning against his car.

"Hi," I smile shyly. My eyes rake down his body, taking in how good he looks when he's dressed so formal.

"You're beautiful," he grabs my waist and pulls me closer, kissing me.

"You're not so bad yourself," I smile after we pull away.

Brad and I made our relationship offical at dinner with the others on Monday. Well, he made us official, but I don't have a problem with that.

"What is going on between you two?" Ashley asks, looking at me and Brad back and forth. The curly haired boy throws an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

"We're together," he answers. Everyone gasps, even Maggie, who already suspected it.

"You finally got a girlfriend," James teases my boyfriend. It's odd to call him that, considering he told me he doesn't date, but I'm glad I can.

I sit inside Brad's car and watch as we pass the busy streets of Birmingham.

"I won't be drinking tonight," the curly haired boy breaks the silence, putting his hand on my thigh.

"You can. There's always an extra room," I shrug.

"I'm pretty sure you don't want to stay there for the night," he raises his eyebrows, looking at me for a split second.

"Yeah, but I want you to have fun," I bite my bottom lip.

"With you there, I don't need alcohol to have fun," he smirks, making me blush. I mutter an 'okay' and turn back to the window. It's a really beautiful day, I hope the party is going to be outside. My dad has a huge yard and a beautiful garden, so that would be great.

"What should I expect from your father?" Brad asks as we are slowly reaching our destination.

"Well, all he can talk about is his business and his new wife," I roll my eyes, "oh, and his beautiful little daughter," I add sarcastically.

"How old is that daughter of his?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Why? You want to cheat on me already?" I ask teasingly, making Brad laugh. "She's just two years old."

Brad soon parks the car in front of my father's house. I take a deep breath before climbing out, my boyfriend following me. He takes my hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeez. I must look really nervous, just like how I feel.

"It's going to be okay," he leans down and whispers in my ear, kissing my cheek before walking up the porch. I ring the doorbell and soon enough, my father's wife opens it.

"Evelyn, it's so good to see you!" she squeals like she didn't see me in years.

"Yeah," I cough.

"And who is this handsome boy?" her eyes rake down Brad's body and I squeez his hand, trying to keep my mouth shut. Jesus, this woman knows no boundaries.

"I'm Brad, Evelyn's boyfriend," Brad emphasizes the last word, making the woman in front of us choke on her breath. She recovers quickly and lets us inside the house with a fake smile.

"Go out to the back yard. Everyone is there," the woman informs us, picking her daughter up from the floor. I nod and lead Brad to the back yard. Too many people are here and I already hate this party. The only good thing is that Brad came with me.

I spot my dad sitting at a table with a glass of champagne in his hand.

"I'll introduce you to him," I nod my head towards the man. Brad nods in reply and follows me towards the table, not letting go of my hand.

"Evelyn!" my father stands up from the table and hurries over to us. He gives me a hug and kisses the top of my head before looking at Brad.

"Dad, this is Brad. He's my... boyfriend," I bite my lower lip. The two exchange quick handshakes and the older man leads us to the table he was sitting at. My aunt and uncle are sitting at the same table, talking to a woman and a man who I don't recognise. They both greet me with hugs and kisses as soon as they notice me. I eventually am happy to see them, they are the only members of my father's side of the family that I love. The others are too annoying.

After sitting at the table and chatting for what feels like forever, I finally stand up. Both Brad and my father look at me with furrowed eyebrows, confused on what I want to do.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I smile at Brad, who resciprocates and nods.

I walk inside the enormous house and up the stairs. The only bathroom that isn't occupied for sure is mine. The only way to get into that bathroom is through my bedroom, but I always lock it. Thankfully, I carry the key with me. I easily open the door to my bedroom, which I hate to be honest. I lock it behind myself and hurry inside the bathroom. I take a deep breath, looking into the mirror. I've arrived 20 minutes ago, but it still feels like ages. I just want to get out of here. I don't want to sit there and fake a smile every time my father or that bi- his wife compliment me.

After five more minutes of looking at my reflection, I walk back out to the yard to find my dad and Brad standing next to the swimming pool and talking.

"What have I missed?" I ask, stopping next to the curly haired boy. He wraps his arm around my waist and smiles down at me, which I reciprocate.

"Brad was just telling me about his parents' business. It sounds compromising, we might as well have a meeting," the older man smiles at us. I try my best not to roll my eyes and behave, but it's hard around this man.

"Really? I'll inform them," Brad nods in excitment. I know his family business is important to him as well, since he might take over in a few years.

Finally, the first meal is brought to every table and we sit back down. The food is delicious, so is the wine. At least I know my dad has taste in drinks and food. I almost choke on the food when I feel Brad's hand traveling up my thighs.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" my dad asks, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, sorry," I clear my throat and shoot a death glare towards Brad. He just smirks at me and continues his meal.

After everyone finished eating, my father's wife brings the cake out. The older man lets my step-sister blow the candle, with his help of course. She enjoys it too much, clapping her hands together when none of the candles are lit anymore. I roll my eyes and turn away from the sight, it makes me sick to my stomach. I feel Brad squeezing my hand, but I keep my attention on the white table in front of us. Why did I come?

A few minutes later, a piece of chocolate cake is placed in front of me. I just look at it blankly, I can't eat anything. Especially now that he had to bring that girl with him to our table. He places her on his lap and starts feeding her with cake.

"We need to go," I suddenly stand up from the table without thinking. Brad looks at me in surprise, but eventually follows.

"Wait! At least let me wrap those slices up, so you can take them with you," my dad's wife smiles at us. I nod in silence and she stands up, taking the plates with her and hurrying towards the kitchen. We follow her, stopping in the kitchen's entrance. Soon enough, she brings back the slices all wrapped up and ready to go.

"Thanks," I say. Brad and I exit the house as soon as possible and stop at his car. I sigh, leaning my head against his chest, his hands instantly caressing my back in a comforting manner.

DECEPTION; Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now