Part 1

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"Wakey, wakey, my sweet little flower," a familiar sweet voice spoke.

Akumu opened her eyes, smiling at the sight of her older brother, Lotor, next to her bed.

"Morning," Akumu groggily said, sitting up.

"Morning," Lotor said with a soft smile gracing his lips, he sat next to her on her bed. "Mom's waiting for you for breakfast. I won't be attending today though."

"Why? What's wrong?" Akumu asks looking worried.

"Father wants me to attend a meeting with him," Lotor said, looking to the floor.

"Oh. Could you tell me what happened later?" Akumu asked.

"I'll see what I can do, now get dressed mom is waiting," Lotor kissed Akumu's forehead as he got up and left her room.

Akumu left her bed to change into a black undersuit to protect her skin, a dark purple skirt that goes below her mid-thigh, and a royal purple off the shoulder shirt. Even with the black undersuit, her dad wouldn't want Akumu to go out looking like that. After slipping on black flats, Akumu left for the dining room to eat with her mother. Akumu cheerfully waved 'morning' to the guards she passed in the halls, smiling when they waved back. Akumu reached the dining room to see two guards opening the doors for her. She curtsied to them as she passed.

"Good morning sweetheart, "Honerva said.

"Good morning mother," Akumu returned the greeting, sitting across from her mother and began eating the food in front of her. "I heard that Prince Lotor is joining father in his meeting. Would you happen to know anything about this?"

"No sweetheart, I do not. Though I am more than positive that you will find out soon enough," Honerva smiled at Akumu before taking another bite of her breakfast.

Akumu blushed a little because she knew she'd find out thanks to her brother. After finishing the wild berries from their garden, some bacon and eggs, Akumu left to her room after bidding her mother a good day.


While reading a book, followed by weird positions she was in for comfort, Akumu heard a sharp knock on her bedroom door. After answering said door, she found Lotor with an unsettling look upon his beautiful face.

"What's wrong brother?" Akumu asked, moving aside so Lotor could walk in.

"I have terrible news but have no way to tell it," he said. "You may want to sit."

"What is this about?" Akumu asked, sitting on her bed. Lotor soon followed sitting next to Akumu.

"During the meeting, father told his generals to start taking other planets and place them under his rule and possibly destroy them if the citizens fight back. He plans on taking Altea first," Lotor says the last sentence slowly.

"A-altea!? As in mother's birthplace?" Akumu said, tears starting to form.

Lotor couldn't speak anymore, he just nodded and hugged Akumu. Lotor felt Akumu beginning to shake as she begins to cry freely. Knowing how fascinated Akumu was about Altea made his heartbreak. He never likes seeing his little flower like this.

"I-I need to tell mother. She needs to know about this," Akumu said, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"Of course, flower," Lotor said hugging Akumu and kissing her forehead.

Showing Lotor to the door, Akumu said her farewells before she left to search for her mother. Akumu asked many different guards, most didn't know where her mother was until she passed one of her mother's personal guards, a druid. The druid pointed Akumu to her mothers' room saying that she was there.

"M-mother, sorry for the intrusion but I bring terrible news," Akumu bowed after she barged into her mothers' room. 

"Is everything ok, darling?" Honerva asks looking a little worried.

Akumu closed the door and walked to her mother, new tears begging to fall, "F-father is planning on overthrowing A-altea."

"W-what?! H-how did you learn of this?" Honerva stood quickly.

"Do you forget that my brother and I are close? He told me himself," Akumu stated, Honerva placed her hands on Akumu's shoulders her own tears began to form.

"Of course he tells you. Well then, I have a special mission for you, my daughter. I don't care how long it will take or how far you will be from me, but you must protect the royal family of Altea and bring to safety," Honerva said, hugging her daughter some of her own tears fall into Akumu's lovely silver hair.

"W-when do I have to leave you and brother?" Akumu asked, crying again.

"Oh darling, you will never leave us. You will always have us in your heart and us you," Honerva said, wiping tears from Akumu's cheeks. "But you should leave really soon. I'm pretty sure your fathers' generals are already preparing for departure."

"What about father? He will sure to notice I'm gone?"

"I'll tell him your out having a sleepover with your friends," Honvera said, letting go of  Akumu.

"OK, but before I leave may I have the something to remind you of?"

"Sure," Honerva takes off her necklace that had a small blue rose pendant and put it around her daughter's neck.

Tears forming once again, Akumu hugged her mother once more. Before leaving to pack, Akumu told her mother that she loved her and to tell Lotor the same. She left for her room with tears streaming down her cheeks but she had determination in her eyes. 'I will protect the royal family with my life. I don't care how long it will take but I will do it. For my mother and her people.' She thought to herself.

WORDS: 914


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