Part 2

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Akumu managed to get to Altea before the Galra Generals. Akumu landed her pod right outside the castle's gardens. Akumu changed into a dark cloak to hide her violet skin and silver hair and made her way to the castle gates. Getting there she noticed a bunch of Alteans entering the castle. Akumu walked with the group into the castle. The Alteans surrounding Akumu wore fancy dresses and suits.

'Apparently, it's a gathering of some kind.' Akumu thought.

Leaving the group, Akumu snuck through the castle halls to find the throne room. Sneaking past the guards, she made it past many different rooms and halls. Akumu soon got lost within the maze of halls. Akumu began running past more halls and rooms when suddenly she runs into a wall. Wait, why would a wall say oww?

Looking up from her position on the floor, Akumu saw an Altean opposite of her, who had glowing blue marks on his upper arms and the famous Altean marks of the same colour. He had surprised eyes as he gazed upon Akumu, seeing her violet eyes and silver hair. Getting up, Akumu ran before the Altean could say anything.

 Akumu soon found the throne room. Entering, Akumu saw the King talking to his Advisor. Rushing into a kneeling bow, the King stopped his conversation with his advisor. He ignored the fact that Akumu was Galra.

"Why are you here my dear?" The king asked.

"Sir, the Galra are planning to attack Altea, you and your family need to leave now," Akumu said, still kneeling.

"How do you know this?" The king's advisor questioned.

"Let her speak Coran," The king motioned for Akumu to continue.

"It's like I said, the Galra are on their way right now. Please, I don't want a part of my heritage to disappear," tears threaten to roll down Akumu's face as she stood up.

"Heritage? Who may I ask are your parents?" The king asks.

"My mother is Honerva and my father...."

 "The Altean from the different dimension?!" Coran questioned stepping forward a step.

"Yes, sir."

"So you are born from both Galra and Altean blood?" The king questioned.

"Yes, sir."

"And your father?" The king asked.

"Is the Galra that controls all and is planning on attacking Altea. Please, you must leave. Save your family."

"Coran get my children quickly. Please," the king commanded.

"Yes, your majesty," Coran ran out of the throne room.

A few minutes later the doors opened again, a girl Akumu's age came in with the same Altean Akumu ran into along with Coran. Akumu turned away from the three Alteans, not wanting the male altean to see her. As Akumu looked back at the King she heard a gasp.

"Father what's wrong?" The princess asked staying behind Akumu.

"This brave young lady has told me some horrible news. Please inform my children miss."

Akumu turned, seeing that the girl who spoke had a weird look on her face. The male next to her had a surprised look on his face.

"Uhh t-the Galra are planning to attack s-so I came to inform his majesty to get him and his family to safety," Akumu finished, looking at the ground.

"And how do we know you are lying about this?" The princess questioned, walking up to Akumu.

"Please my mother wouldn't have told me to come if it wasn't true," Akumu said a small tear rolled down her cheek.

"I think we should believe her father," the boy Akumu ran said.

"But where would we go?" The princess asked again.

"We could get far away from here so my father's empire can't...."

"FATHER!!!!!??" The princess exclaimed.

"Enough," the king interrupted.

"Yes, her father may be Emperor Zarkon but her mother is an old friend of mine."

"Please, you need to get out of here. They will be here any minute," Akumu said.

"Fine, but I won't take orders from a Galra princess," The princess said walking to stand to her father's left while the prince stands at his father's right.

"That's okay with me," Akumu said crossing her arms over her stomach.

"Coran, tell the visitors they can either stay in the castle or stay on Altea. I'll get the castle ready to lift off," The king said getting up. His children started to leave the throne room.

"Right away," Coran bowed and left to tell the visitors.

"And you may come with me," the king said.

Akumu nodded and followed the King out of the throne room. The king walked past many hallways to get to the control room. Akumu stood in a far corner as the king pressed buttons on different panels to get the castle ready to take off. Soon the advisor comes into the control room and takes over the front panel.

"The citizens wanted to stay on Altea," he said as he also pressed different buttons on his panel.

"All right. Everything good to go?" the king asked.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Where are we going to go first?" Akumu asked.

"Like you said, anywhere where your father won't find us. I want to thank you ...." The king started.

"My name is Akumu."

"Pleasure to know your name Akumu, I'm King Alfor," Alfor greeted with a bow of his head. "He's my advisor, Coran. And you saw my daughter and son, Princess Allura and Prince Lance."

"Pleasure," Coran nodded in Akumu's direction.

Akumu nodded back and sat in a corner while Allura and Lance came into the room. Allura gave Akumu a nasty look, while Lance gave Akumu a small glance both getting to a seat and pulling up a control panel. Akumu rolled her eyes, closing her eyes as she hears the others ready the castle for take-off.

  Words: 959

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