Part 10

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Sanji was shivering with how nervous he was. His crewmates began filing into the room one by one and sat down at the large table.

"What's wrong, cook-san?", Robin asked cautiously seeing that something was bothering their cook.

"I need to talk to you", Sanji eventually got out and looked in each of his crewmates' faces. They all showed concern except for Chopper who was smiling softly. Suddenly the door burst open and Zoro came inside.

"What did I miss?", he asked and Sanji rolled his eyes.

"Nothing, marimo. And now sit down", the cook spat annoyed.

He was nervous enough he didn't need Zoro of all people to interrupt this. Zoro obliged silently and looked at Sanji apologetically. The other man smiled at him, appreciating the apology in Zoro's eye.

"So?", Luffy spoke up "what did you wanna tell us?"

"I am pregnant", Sanji laid it out in the open before he could change his mind and not tell his crew.

"What?", everyone seemed to ask in unison.

"I can explain everything to you later. What I want to know right now is, if you are comfortable with me staying on this ship or if I should leave. I... understand if you don't want me to stay. It's a risk and it's not normal either... And I want your honest opinions so please just vote or something", Sanji sighed because this was really nerve wrecking.

Zoro clenched his fist under the table at Sanji's words. He hated that Sanji saw himself as a burden to the crew.

"Okay...", Robin was of course the first to speak up and gave a piece of paper to everyone.

When she handed one to Zoro the man looked at her offended and said "I don't think I need to participate in this, do I?"

Robin gave the piece of paper to the next crewmate and looked at the man a little sad. Soon they were all scribbling down a "stay" or a "leave" on their paper and handed it all back to Robin who collected them to look at the results.

Sanji started sweating, this was all starting to get too much. He needed to know now if he could stay or if he needed to leave his friends.

"We got seven "stays" right here", Robin confirmed happily smiling at Sanji.

"And one "leave" I guess", Nami added and everyone frowned a little.

"Who dared to pick "leave"?", Zoro spoke up angry to everyone's surprise.

Everyone just looked at him in awe because they thought his comment from earlier meant that he wanted Sanji to leave.

"If you send Sanji away, I will go as well", Zoro added and the jaws were dropping one after the other.

"But you wanted him to leave", Usopp spoke up confused.

"What?", Zoro raised his eyebrows.

"You said that you didn't need to participate and we figured that's because you hate each other and you want him to go?", Usopp explained.

"You didn't tell them?", Zoro suddenly turned to Sanji .

"When could I have possibly told them, you idiot?", Sanji frowned at the green haired man.

"I thought you told them before I got in", Zoro shrugged.

"I didn't", Sanji said and Zoro nodded understanding.

"So what was it supposed to mean?", Usopp asked now curious.

"It meant that I wouldn't participate because it should be clear as day that I wouldn't want my boyfriend and unborn child to leave this ship", Zoro explained and there was a dead silence in the room, you could actually hear a pin dropping "but if they were to leave then I wouldn't hesitate one second and go with them". 

"Whoa, wait what?", Nami asked.

"This is so beautiful Zoro-bro", Franky started crying.

"I have to side with Nami here: what?", Usopp exclaimed.

"Awesome", Luffy was laughing at the head of the table then turned serious and said "of course you are both staying".

"Would you please tell us the whole story, cook-san and swordsman-san?", Robin smiled at them softly and the two men nodded.

"Where to start?", Sanji asked Zoro who seemed as clueless as his boyfriend "umm okay so Zoro and I have been together for around three years now".

"THREE YEARS?", it was Nami "how could you have kept that a secret?"

"Well first of all we were seperated for two years so we didn't have to hide anything back then", Zoro explained "and second we are just good at not drawing attention to us".

"Yeah of course", Nami sassed as she could pinpoint uncountable times that these two caught the attention of the marine and dragged them into a fight.

"Why hide it in the first place?", Usopp asked "don't you trust us?"

"Of course we trust you!", Sanji defended them "we were afraid you might not approve of our relationship. Also it's dangerous cause we could be used as the other's weakness".

"I for my part am happy for the two of you", Brook spoke up and everyone seemed to agree with him.

"Now tell us about the baby", Franky pushed excitedly and Sanji smiled softly.

"Well... I am pregnant in third month, right Chopper?", Sanji asked the little doctor.

"That's correct", the reindeer smiled.

"You knew about that?", Usopp asked his small shipmate.

"Someone needed to treat him, he was throwing up all over the place", Zoro stated and got a glare from Sanji "I am sorry, but it's true".

"But how is that possible?", Nami asked "if you feel comfortable sharing it".

"I told you that back when we were all seperated I was on Momoiro island and Ivankov needed me for a mission and he...well...he turned me into a woman", Sanji explained.

"Oh awesome", Luffy laughed "man, I miss Iva".

"Anyways", Sanji continued "when he was supposed to turn me back he mumbled something cryptically and I guess he transformed my body so that I could be pregnant".

"But why would he just do that?", Chopper wondered, he knew the story but didn't get why Ivankov would do it behind Sanji's back.

"I might have told him that I am envious of how women can have children and me and Zoro will probably never have some of our own and that that thought makes me sad because I would love to have children with him", Sanji spoke so fast and tried to hide his blush from his other crewmates.

"I'd love to have children with you too", Zoro took Sanji's chin in his hand and turned his face to look at him "and I love you, a lot".

With that said he leant in and kissed the cook who was blushing all over.

"I love you too", he whispered as they seperated and the whole crew awed and Franky started crying again.

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