Part 13

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They stood out on the deck for another few minutes just enjoying being together in silence. Sanji looked at his ring uncountable times and couldn't get the bright grin off his face, not that he wanted to, thank you very much.

When Zoro and Sanji did decide to head inside to talk to the others they stumbled into a heated discussion about the marine and the rights they have.

Currently the crew was discussing if a marine was allowed to arrest someone just because they looked suspicious to them.

Zoro pulled a chair back for Sanji who sat down and Zoro settled next to him and took his hand. The crew noticed them but didn't hesitate to continue their argument.

"As a captain of the marine you would be able to do that", Franky spoke up.

"That's true", Luffy nodded "Grandpa Garp was allowed to do a lot of things just because he is an admiral. So unfair".

He rolled his eyes at the memory but still smiled. He missed his grandfather sometimes.

"Marine captains are even allowed to marry people", Robin added.

"They are?", Chopper asked wide eyed and Robin nodded smiling at the little doctor.

Zoro squeezed Sanji's hand to grab his attention and the blond could practically hear the question written all over his face.

Does our captain have that right too?

Sanji grinned at that and raised his brows to signature Zoro to ask. It was weird how the conversation had changed to this topic just as they wanted to tell them the news.

"Do pirate captains have that right too?", Zoro asked without much emotion.

"I guess that depends", Robin shrugged "if he is officially a captain it should work. But as I see it, a pirate captain is always accepted by his crew but not by the marine. So a wedding from a pirate captain might be official for pirates but the marine might not acknowledge it as lawful."

Zoro nodded absentmindedly and seemingly disinterested then looked to Sanji.

"What do I care about the marine?", Zoro smiled at Sanji.

"Works just fine for me", Sanji smiled right back.

"Captain", Zoro smirked at the rubber boy "would you do us the honor?"

"Wait what?", Chopper smiled brightly at the two men.

"The marimo asked me to marry him", Sanji stated proudly.

"The shitty cook said yes", Zoro added as he smirked at the other man.

"Whaaaaat?", Luffy smiled from ear to ear "that's so amazing".

"Swordsman-san really asked you to marry him?", Robin smiled happily at them.

"He did", Sanji recalled their conversation from earlier "it was pretty romantic actually".

"Are you sure it was Zoro and not the mikan trees?", Nami joked still not used to Zoro's soft side.

"Shut up witch", Zoro said but he grinned at her.

They got along a lot better since Sanji was with him. Maybe it was jealousy why he didn't get along with Nami in the first place but he wasn't going to admit that to anyone.

"I don't think a tree would have put a ring on my finger", Sanji mused.

"You didn't", Nami gaped at Zoro in awe.

"I did", Zoro retorted proudly.

"What are you waiting for?", Nami rushed "show it to us already".

Sanji laughed as he pulled his hand free of Zoro's hold to lay it out on the table for everyone to see.

"That must have been really expensive", Nami's jaw dropped at the sight of the ring.

"I hope not too expensive", Sanji looked at Zoro with guilt written all over his face "I don't want you to expense your debt for my sake".

"You don't have to worry about that", Zoro kissed his temple "I saved up for some time now".

"This is gross romantic", Nami said "I love it".

"Yeah, me too", Franky cried.

"You should have kept that money for the baby and not for me", Sanji bit his lip "and I feel bad because I didn't do anything for you".

"You are literally carrying our baby for us", Zoro retorted "stop talking yourself down. And don't worry about the baby either. I will find ways to get more money".

"You won't need to", Nami said.

"What do you mean?", Zoro asked "a baby is quite expensive, you know?"

"I do know", Nami chuckled "that's why we started a baby fund the moment we found out. Each uncle and aunt put money in it whenever we could afford it. There is quite a bit for the baby expenses". 

"You did what?", Sanji gasped and immediatly had tears in his eyes.

"We can't accept that", Zoro shook his head "it's too much".

"You literally safed me from death multiple times", Luffy said in return "just remember thriller bark".

"You helped me free my village and reunite with my sister", Nami spoke up after their captain.

"You helped me safe the woman I love", Usopp stated "and made me believe that I can become a brave warrior of the sea".

"You made Doc Baders dream come true with me", Chopper said with tears in his eyes.

"Both of you helped me get my soul back", Brook supllied "and my happiness too".

"And made me realise that I should follow my dream", Franky added to the arguments.

"You helped me to want to live", Robin was the last to speak and Franky squeezed her hand softly "that money is nothing compared to that".

"Guys", Sanji started crying "I don't know what to say".

"You have done so much for each and every one of us", Nami smiled at them "let us do this for you. And if you can't accept it for yourselves, let us do it for our baby nakama".

"Thank you", Zoro smiled at his family as he pulled Sanji closer in his arms who was still crying "this means a lot to us".

"How about we have a feast to celebrate the engagement?", Luffy spoke up and everyone started laughing.

"I will get right to it, captain", Sanji smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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