Part 12

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They say time flies when you are having fun but nobody told Sanji that time also flies when you are pregnant and have no clue what to do when you have the baby.

And so time flew and Sanji was starting sixth month already. His bump way really visible now, his clothes didn't fit anymore and he had to start wearing Zoro's elastic pants. He couldn't look at himself in the mirror like that but he also wanted to feel comfortable.

And that was hard enough these days. Back pains, cravings, morning sickness and moodswings were his constant companions. And Zoro of course. He was with him in all of that. In the good days and the bad days.

While Sanji had pregnancy centred thoughts Zoro thought about something entirely else. Zoro had thought about their babies surname a lot lately and not only about it's surname but also about Sanji's. The man barely used it, mostly flinched when someone mentioned it and ignored whoever asked about it.

He had opened up to Zoro a bit about how broken his family was and that he didn't want to be reminded of that time in his life and Zoro respected that.

Still their baby needed a surname and Zoro had to talk to Sanji about it. It was after dinner and Sanji leant against the wall to the kitchen and looked out at the sea. The waves seemed to calm him rather than push his nausea further and he enjoyed to hear the waves splash against the ship. He was made for a life on the sea and it made him happy to know that he was here with his crew.

"Hey", Zoro whispered as to not disturb him too much and smiled at the man in front of him "we need to talk about something".

"Is everything okay?", Sanji asked concerned. His mind was so occupied with emotion that he would jump to the conclusion that there was something wrong with their relationship and Zoro stopped him right there so he couldn't assume things that were perfectly fine in reality.

"Yes, everything is perfect", Zoro smiled and Sanji did too after breathing out "I just wanted to ask you about our baby's name".

"But we don't even know the gender yet", Sanji remarked confused.

"I was talking about his surname", Zoro started carefully "whose is it gonna have?"

"I don't want our kid to have my surname. This name is connected with hate and pain and tears and it's nothing that I wish for our baby to have. I wish I would never hear that name ever again. We can't burden our child with a name like that. He or she will have your surname", Sanji said and it hurt Zoro how much Sanji hated his own name "my surname is horrible". 

On the other hand it was playing in his cards quite well. Zoro took a deep breath before he caught Sanji's eyes with his own.

"Why don't you change it then?", Zoro asked innocently and Sanji looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about? I can't just change my surname", Sanji raised a curly brow.

"Yes you could", Zoro said and fumbled in his pocket until he pulled a small object out "would you do me the honor and change your surname to Roronoa?"

Sanji stared in awe at the ring that Zoro was holding in his hand then to Zoro's face and back.

"Are you kidding me?", he eventually stated and Zoro frowned.

"If you don't want to marry me that's okay but please don't humiliate me", Zoro mumbled a little hurt.

"What? No, Zoro. I....", Sanji took a deep breath and looked at his boyfriend "of course I want to marry you, marimo".

"Really?", Zoro perked up at this.

"Really", Sanji confirmed and smiled at his now fiancé "I love you Zoro".

"I love you too", Zoro smiled and put the ring on Sanji's finger.

"It's beautiful", Sanji looked down at his hand and smiled.

"It's the same steel that is used in Wado", Zoro explained "I found it on the last island we visited. I knew that it had to be this steel and I asked the smith to make a ring out of it. With Wado I promised Kuina to achieve our dream for her and with this ring I promise you to always love and protect you".

"When have you started being so romantic, mosshead?", Sanji wiped a tear from his face.

"I guess about the same time you started to be this emotional", Zoro smiled softly and wiped another tear from Sanji's cheek.

"I love you so much", Sanji spoke softly as he rested his forehead against Zoro's.

"I love you too", Zoro smiled then closed the gap between them to kiss Sanji.

The kiss didn't last long as Sanji felt the need to look at his finger.

"Don't you like it?", Zoro asked concerned.

"I really do like it", Sanji calmed his nerves "I just can't believe that you asked me to marry you. Like for real. Who would have thought we would end up like this. And I don't mean this in a bad way, I am happier than ever, but sometimes this all seems surreal still".

"Yeah, I know what you mean", Zoro smiled at him "I think if you had told us both from the past that we would marry and have a child past us would have laughed in our faces".

"Absolutely", Sanji chuckled then got a little more serious "past me was a dumbass".

"No, past you was just not at peace with your feelings", Zoro said "I always thought that love was stupid until you came along. Guess we both got smarter".

"Yeah we did", Sanji smiled softly "we have both grown mentally. With each other's help. And the crew's help of course".

"They are the best family I could wish for", Zoro stated.

"Yeah", Sanji agreed.

"Do you want to tell our family the big news?", Zoro asked.

"Absolutely", Sanji said "but let me enjoy one more moment in peace with my fiancé".

Sanji leant into Zoro and they both looked out at the sea for some time not getting the smiles off of their faces.

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