Part 9

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Some days had gone by and Sanji's ribs still looked a bit blue but he could move normally and wasn't in pain anymore so Chopper allowed him to cook again.

He was preparing a simple lunch for the crew and it felt good to be able to cook again. Not that Zoro wasn't a big help and his food tasted quite good but it was Sanji's passion and he loved to cook for his nakama.

He promised Chopper to not do something too exhausting so he prepared a soup for lunch. He was chopping different vegetables while the buillon was cooking on the stove. The whole kitchen was filled with the aroma of fresh vegetables and herbs. When the door opened he just sighed.

"No, lunch will take some more time you can't eat now, Luffy", the cook smiled to himself.

"I didn't come for food", it was Zoro's voice that sounded in the kitchen and the man made his way over to the cook to stand behind him and lay his arms around him.

His hands rested on Sanji's bump that grew only slightly in the last couple of days and still wasn't visible under the shirt but Zoro liked to feel it.

"Hey", he whispered in the cook's ear and Sanji's smile widened.

"Hi", Sanji returned and stopped cutting the vegetables.

He lay the knife aside to not accidently cut himself because he wasn't focused when Zoro was this close. He couldn't be trusted with a knife now, although he could cut food in his sleep. But now being pregnant and worrying his mind was all over the place and it was better not to take any risks.

"How are you feeling?", Zoro asked as he placed soft kisses on Sanji's neck.

"Nervous", Sanji admitted and Zoro stopped kissing him because he was taken off guard by that answer.

"What makes you feel nervous? Are you in pain? Is something wrong with the baby?", the green haired swordsman turned into a caring boyfriend and parent to be in a few seconds.

"No I am not in pain and the baby doesn't cause any trouble for now", Sanji huffed a laugh "but as it is our child I bet it won't be long before it starts kicking and beating inside my abdomen".

"Yeah I am sorry for that in advance", Zoro smiled against his neck and Sanji could feel his breath there and it made him shiver "but now tell me why you are nervous".

"I think I am ready to tell the crew", Sanji admit as he laid back into Zoro's arms and against his chest "however they might react I want to know now rather than later".

He rested the back of his head on Zoro's shoulder.

"Whatever they say we are in this together", Zoro kissed him shortly on his temple.

"I am gonna tell them to meet up after lunch", Sanji informed him.

"I am gonna be there", Zoro promised and smiled at him "everything will be fine".

"You think so?", Sanji closed his eyes as he tried to internalize Zoro's words.

"It's the strawhat crew after all", Zoro stated "our doctor is a little reindeer with only 50 Berry bounty, our sharpshooter is the greatest coward yet he still gets himself to fight every damn time, we have a cyborg on board and our captain is made of rubber, the girls are far from usual as well, we even call a skeleton our nakama and I don't want to start with how crazy I am. So trust me when I say that this won't stop them from calling you their nakama neither will it influence how they feel about you".

"How is it possible that you can give me such amazing advice and lead the way for my mind and still get lost yourself all the time", Sanji grinned.

"I meditate a lot", Zoro answered and they both started laughing "but seriously, stop thinking too much".

"What would I do without you?", Sanji whispered thankfully.

"Well you wouldn't be pregnant I guess", Zoro grinned.

"That would be a shame", Sanji lay his hand on top of Zoro's that was still resting on his bump.

"Do you need any help cooking?", Zoro asked eventually.

"You could slice the bread, if you'd like", Sanji suggested and Zoro nodded then let go of Sanji to focus on the task at hand.

Sanji finished cutting the vegetables and put them into the buillon. After about thirty minutes Luffy burst into the kitchen to ask when lunch was ready.

"Tell everyone to come in", Sanji only smiled at his captain who immediatly ran out to gather everyone so they could eat.

Everyone enjoyed the food as usual and complimented Sanji on it. They talked about the weirdest things as usual and Sanji once again noticed how true Zoro's words had been. They weren't normal and none of them wanted to be. Everyone was able to be themselves and no one attempted to change that. Because they worked good as they were. Everyone was good as they were and that is what made them a good pirate crew. They could all trust each other to have their backs and no one needed to hide insecurities.

And that was what pushed Sanji even more to the decision of telling his nakama about the pregnancy. Because they have always been honest with each other. He smiled down at his bowl. Although the thought of telling them still made him nervous, the possibility of his nakama being happy about the news overweighed the bad feelings.

"Hey guys?", Sanji spoke up when everyone was done eating "could we meet up here in about an hour?"

"Yeah of course, is something wrong?", Luffy asked and watched Sanji carefully.

"I just want to talk to you", Sanji said truthfully and Luffy smiled, seemingly content with that answer.

Chopper threw him a knowing smile as well as Zoro and after that everyone filed out of the kitchen, with the promise to return soon, to give Sanji peace to clean the kitchen. It was something that always calmed his nerves and he needed it now more than ever.

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