(04) Hello Spongebob, Hello Hero.

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Hey guys, today you will learn how to speak another language! Hope you enjoy, love you! :)


My eyes flutter open to see someone's eyes staring at me. He blinked three times and walked out of the room. I survey the fancy room. When I say fancy, it's like really fancy. There's a chandelier, a piano at the corner of the room, a fireplace, a huge balcony...and a rock climbing wall? Holy shit! There's actually a closet waterslide that leads to a luxurious indoor pool!

How do I know there is a closet waterslide that leads to a luxurious indoor pool? Easy, there's a sign saying it leads to a luxurious indoor pool, plus I can smell chlorine coming from there. Gosh, there's so many more but damn! He is indeed rich-correction, his parents are. He has everything except for his looks, couldn't beat Hero's looks though.

Girl, stop it! How could you talk about this guys room when you're actually kidnapped! Poor Hero...he's stick to the wall, waiting for me at home to touch him(not even thinking about how her brother must be worried). Oh yeah...thank god I'm still wearing my hijab(a thing that Muslims wear on their head to cover their hair).

"Assalamualaikum(Peace be unto you)" Someone says in the Arabic language. Of course, I reply Waalaikumsalaam(and unto you peace). "Bolehkah anda cakap dalam Bahasa Melayu? (Do you know how to speak Malaysian language?)"

Fish him(I don't swear). He thinks I'm stupid, "Aku cinta Hero(I love Hero.)" I said, trying to sound like I'm not good in Malay(Malaysian language). His Malay is too formal...I look at him while he looks at me as if I'm the one who kidnapped him.

Suddenly he grabs my arm, and that's when I screamed for life, "Siapa awak?! Dimana saya?! Apa yang kamu mahu?! Saya tidak bersalah! Anda lebih baik membawa saya ke rumah sebelum Hardin datang ke sini dan membunuh anda! (Who are you? Where am I? What do you want?! I'm innocent!! You better take me home before Hardin comes here and kills you!)". He then laughs like a hyena.

"I know Hero" He lied.

I laughed "Hah! You. know. him? The famous male actor? Huh, in your fishing dreams!" I was laughing so hard that I forgot to breathe. It is impossible for a person like him to know Hero, their attitude didn't match. "Hey! Can you at least untie me?!"

He walked towards me and bent his knees down so he was the same level as me, "and why should I untie you?" Oh my Hero! He's asking me why should he untie me?! It's obvious that I want to breath! I can't breathe because of the rope!

I struggle myself to break free from the rope but it was no use "ARE YOU DEATH?! I SAID UNTIE ME!"









"Sad life you have."

"MY EX- BOYFRIEND IS MORE BETTER THAN YOU!" (Her ex-boyfriend name is...)

"Sad he became your ex."


"Bye crazy fan." And he left just like that, fish him!

Lonely, I am so lonely, I have nobody, all on my own! (I forgot what that song is called, anyone knows that song?). Lonely, Hero's so lonely, he has nobody, all on his own! This is so boring...Ah! I forgot that I brought a mini knife in my secret pocket but I don't know how to get it since my hands are tied...

Three hours later...(not true, I just follow Spongebob lines or whatever it's called.)

Yes! I got it!

Seven years later...(SPONGEBOB)

Yes!I'm free! I tiptoed slowly towards the door, ready to save myself but suddenly changed about saving myself. I can't just run away, I must survey this house-no, I must survey this mansion. Maybe I should steal something and bring it back home with me so I can sell. When I sell, I get money and when I have money, I can buy Hero's cute things! Such a great idea but nah...Better be honest because honesty is the best policy!

Ten years later after surveying the mansion...(SPONGEBOB)

Opss, I'm lost.

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