(08) I'm rich?

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Heyyyy I'm back ;3 thankkkk youuuu soooo muchhhh forrr readinggg myyyy bookkkkk! Love you! :)


"Who's Lissa?"

I swallowed hard and look up to see Teddy staring at me. When in the world did he come in here without me noticing! His hair was wet and messy. I bet he just took a shower because the smell of his shampoo was incredibly good. I wonder where he bought it? Maybe I could—

He coughed, waiting for an answer. What? "What?" We made eye contact but I looked away in embarrassment. What did he ask?
He snorted, "Who's Lissa?" Ah...he doesn't know my real name yet. Wait, why did he ask that question? Dammit! I must have spoken out loud while I was telling myself in my head to get over with Hero! I scoffed, pretending to scratch my head.

"What happened?" I nervously changed the topic. I'm not ready to tell him my real name yet. I know my brother is here and he must've known but I'm still not fine telling my name to a complete stranger who conspired with my brother and kidnapped me! What a cruel world this is! I wish this was all a dream! I want my normal life back like always when I never had met Hero...things wouldn't have turned out like this if it was a dream. I'm really disappointed that Hero is about to get married to that Joseph girl. I'd rather stay in the dark than knowing the truth.

"Why are you changing the topic?" He walked towards me, making my heartbeat slightly faster. What in the fishing world! Why would my heart beat faster than normal? I've only felt like this towards Hero. Lissa stop! This is crazy! It's only your feelings! Everything about that Teddy is absolutely wrong! I must be a maniac to feel like this. I cleared my throat, "Am not. Now you tell me...WHY THE HECK IS MY BROTHER HERE?!"


"Tessa—" I punched my brother in the shoulder, "How many times do I have to tell you!? My name is not Tessa! Don't call me that name anymore! It's embarrassing!" I yelled quietly. "Why not? What the hell is wrong with you? You don't call me Hardin and I can't call you Tessa anymore? What has gotten into you, Lissa?" He groaned, ignoring the fact that I was kidnapped!

I tried calming myself down. "What has gotten into me?!—" I got up from the couch we're sitting at. My brother startled at the sudden burst. I couldn't take it. Why was he acting like none of this happened? "No, what has gotten into you!? You literally planned this with that guy to kidnap me? Oh my!—" I eyes went wild at the thought, "—did you actually paid him to do this?!"

What I said caught my brother's attention. His body stiffen when Teddy came into the living room. That asshole still has the nerves to come in here! "You! Now!" I said in a demanding voice, pointing towards the hallway. He froze, then squirmed away while holding a bag of chips in his hands. Seriously?

Then I turned my head, facing my brother. He smiled innocently, looking at the window behind me. He was obviously trying not to make eye contact with me.

"My dear brother?" I say in the most genteel manner.

"Yes?" He answered with fear. Yes, my big brother who's three years older than me is scared at me right now.


I swear that I'm feeling watched right now. I didn't remember anything after I got kidnapped, especially when I got locked on the rooftop while trying to save Kayla.

I looked at my brother, his face turning bright red. He's so lucky, I've always wished that I could blush. I just don't understand. People who can blush wish they couldn't while people like me who can't blush even the slightest bit, wish to blush.


"Lissa, I'm so sorry for what Teddy has done to you." Hero said, holding Joseph's hand. I smiled at them and shook my hand as saying it was nothing to worry about. You guys are probably wondering why I'm not acting crazy in front of Hero. I guess it's time for me to stop everything about this.

"Lissa! I've heard so much about you!" Joseph grabbed my hands into hers. Little did I know, my brother and Hero and Teddy are best friends. It makes sense why he wasn't home every Friday.

We talked about how I was a fan of her and Hero. She was so sweet and kind. I understand why Hero would fall for her. She told me a lot about Teddy—what...anyways, Joseph was so glad to have me as a friend! I know right, I actually have a popular friend!

"Hey, Jo." Teddy smiled at her.

He smiled at me but I rolled my eyes in return. I still haven't forgotten about what he did to me. "Oh c'mon Lissa. At least you're okay now." He frowned.

"Nu-uh...what you've done cannot be forgiven," I said while Joseph excused herself. "What about your brother? How can you forgive him so easily?" He pouted.


Hold up— What did I just say? Cute?! Did I just say the way he pouted was cute?! What the heck is wrong with me! "Uhh, he's my brother and you're a stranger so..." I bite my lip, thinking about how he pouted was cute was an understatement. How could I say that? We barely know each other and I'm saying he's cute? Ok, he is cute. I'd be lying if I say he wasn't but just as a friend!— No! I mean, just as a stranger.

Oh my god, is he looking at my lips? That literally made me stop biting my lips. He noticed and laughed. What the..."Tessa." My brother came out of nowhere. Thank goodness or I would have died out of embarrassment.

"Yeah?" I said, adjusting my hijab which was in a mess. "From now on we will stay here."

I almost choked, "What?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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