Chapter 1

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^^What her hair looks like^^

Rhea's POV

Dad picked us up at the front of the airport. I gave him a big hug and helped him load up our bags while Bella just sat in the passenger seat of the cruiser. Dad drove us through town and we passed the welcome sign, population three thousand five hundred and twenty. Dad tried to make conversation with Bella but she only gave clipped one-word answers.

"Rhea, I like the hair," Dad commented looking at me from the rearview mirror.

"Thanks, Dad. I dyed it for my birthday," I explained twirling a lock of my sandy blonde hair that the undercoat dyed a deep blue.

Once we got home, Dad told Bella that he cleared out his hunting room for her. I grabbed my bags and walk up to my room to unpack. A few minutes later, I heard an unfamiliar motor pull up outside my window. I watched Jacob Black get out of the passenger seat. I ran downstairs from the attic to greet my old friend.

Jake helped his dad, Billy, out of the truck and into his wheelchair. He started to chase Dad around while Jake talked to Bella about mud pies. When Jake's back was turned I jumped on it. Of course, he almost dropped me but it was so worth it. His arms snaked around my legs to keep me from falling over.

"So, how do you like your homecoming present?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I completely rebuilt the engine," Jake boasted setting me down to get in the truck with Bella.

"Now, you and Rhea have to share that Bella," Dad warned as she and Jake started the car.

I patted my hand on Dad's shoulder, "Dad, don't worry about it. If she wants to take a joy ride tonight it's fine. Besides I am starving. Pizza for dinner?"

I place an order for three medium pizzas and I swear Jake ate one all by himself. Jake and Billy left a few hours later and I finished unpacking my clothes and knickknacks. Another dreamless night and soon enough it was morning. Last night I set my alarm to wake me up before Bella so I would have plenty of time to get ready in the morning.

I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a white long-sleeve shirt. I pulled my hair in a bun so the entire bun looked blue. I heard Bella shuffle around in her room so I left the only bathroom. I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs to eat breakfast. I ate a small bowl of fruit loops as I waited for Bella to finish up. She walked down the stairs and we headed to school.


My chapters will be longer than this normally.

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