Sanpaku disease (part 1)

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Hi, so basically senpaku disease is a disease in this universe that Jack, Dave and Henry have, it's a disease that makes their eyes go crazy and they start spewing black stuff ( maybe blood? idk), they also turn crazy themselves and start attacking people. Henry died from the disease before Blackjack dragged his soul into the void and Dave copes with it by killing kids although, Jack has only started showing symptoms and Henry possessing him has made his body weak. Anyway, I think you get the idea now so onto the story! :3

Jack's Pov-

I went to work like any other day, my head was pounding but I'm presuming it was probably from all the cocaine I'd gotten from those ungrateful toddlers yesterday anyway, after Steven and Peter said hi to me I waltzed over to the saferoom to see Dave. The pizzeria seemed busier than usual which meant more screaming children, just my luck.

Before I could even open the door a sharp pain pierced through my head as I clutched my head and screamed in pain "Gah shit! What the fuck!". The saferoom door immediately swung open as I could hear Dave rushing towards me "Sportsy! what's happening?! are you ok?", he placed his hands on my shoulders and I opened my eyes to see the concerned aubergine looking down at me "ah...uhh...fuck, yeah I'm alri-" but before I could finish I saw tears streaming down Dave's face as he looked at mine in shock"D-Dave?" "Sportsy...You're eyes..." "my...what?" I rubbed my eyes with my hand and almost threw up when I saw this black, sticky substance leaking out of them "Shit!" I desperately tried to wipe it all away but more kept coming out "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Dave began freaking out before scooping me up in his arms and rushing me over to the office, I'd never seen him so panicked before, he burst through the door to the office with me still desperately trying to clear away the black substance streaming out of my face "PHONEYS! JACK'S HURT! I NEED HELP HERE!" he yells before placing me in the office chair and holding my hand tightly. A few seconds later both Peter and Steven rushed through the door with first aid kits in hand and rushed to my side. "Peter! has Jack ever been like this before?" " no, this is all new to me!" Suddenly I began to cough violently before pushing Steven out of the way and vomiting on the floor, a thick black substance staining the floor. " Sportsy! y-you have Sanpaku disease!"Peter turns to Dave confused whilst Steven runs off to get a bucket and a mop. "What the heck is Sanpaku disease!?" asks Peter whilst rubbing my back trying to comfort me, a tear runs down Dave's face as he explains to Peter the effects of the disease " Henry died from the disease years ago and I've learned to manage it, but I don't know hat it's gonna do to Sportsy..." he then breaks down into a small fit of sobs, tightening his grip on my hand. I look at him worriedly before breaking into a coughing fit and slumping over in the chair, Steven comes rushing back through the door bucket in hand and skilfully slides it under me before i throw up once again. "Dave since you know about this more than anyone I'm gonna let you and Jack have the day off, me and Steven will check on you guys later once we get the restaurant running. Please, take care of my brother." says Peter in a worried tone before Dave picks me up and begins walking out of the pizzeria.

The whole way home I tried not to focus on the pain and instead focused on Dave's touch, it was oddly calming being carried by him but the pain was still unbearable. When I heard the sound of the front door opening I opened my eyes and watched as Dave carried me upstairs towards the bedroom, he placed me down on the warm bed and proceeded to wrap me into a bed burrito before placing a bucket next to the bed. He then sat beside me and began stroking my head tentatively. "Dave?...what do you think's gonna happen to me?" I asked worriedly, I thought Dave must know more than I do about this disease. "I-I don't know Sportsy, but you're going to be fine! I won't let you die on my watch!" he tried to smile but couldn't as the possibility daunted on him that I could possibly die.after afew minutes of him patting my head I began to drift off but was suddenly snapped out of sleep as we heard the front door being swung open "Never fear! mama phone is here!" cried Steven as he jogged up the stairs toward our bedroom, carrying a large first aid kit in one hand. "aaaand phoney's in mom mode again..." says Dave as Steven waltzes through the doorway and places the first aid kit on the bed next to me "How has he been since you guys left?" he asks, pulling a thermometer out of thin air and placing it in my mouth "Well,he hasn't thrown up yet which is a good sign but we'll need something in case he starts to go nuts "couldn't I just go to a hospital?" I ask, Dave turns to look at me and grabs my hand tightly " if you freak out and murder someone whilst you're there then the police will get involved, which will only further complicate things" said Dave sadly, Steven sighed and leaned over to take the thermometer out of my mouth "...106 degrees! hecking christo kiddin!" Dave grabs the thermometer from phoney, shocked "Holy bumblebees on a body board! Old Sport, seems like you're gonna be in bed for a while." I sigh in frustration, I hate being still for too long...

<Time skip>

After Steven cooked lunch we all chilled out for a while, I could see Dave was keeping a very close eye on me the whole time and to be honest it got me really worried, I know there's a chance I could die but that won't happen to me...right? a-and what if I suddenly go crazy and attack him? I'll never forgive myself... I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as I reach for the bucket and throw up, making sure none of the black gunk spills onto the bed, Dave springs up and rubs my back as my eyes cry out streams of black goo. Steven rushed over and disposes of the bucket, then he grabs a large box of tissues and hands them to me.

It took a while but the black tears finally stopped and surprisingly I felt normal again, I told Steven this and he looked rather pleased "I'm glad I could be of help son <3." I gave him a confused look "uuh...I mean Jack..." he corrected before heading out the front door back to the Pizzeria to check on Peter. Dave sighed and wrapped his arm around my waist as we waved goodbye to him. " So Sportsy, wanna watch a movie?" said Dave, trying to be enthusiastic "sure" I smile as we head over to the couch and picked out back to the future from our DVD collection. Dave grabbed a blanket and began watching.

When we get to about halfway through the movie I begin to feel drowsy, Dave wraps his arms around me and I quickly begin to drift off to sleep...

Dave's Pov-

I look down to see Sportsy asleep in my arms, he looks so fuckin cute <3 but...I know how deadly this disease is...unfortunately Henry got the worst of it when he was alive. Although, Old Sport's symptoms don't seem as bad as his were so maybe he won't die on me....

After a while I wake up to find that Sportsy's gone, I get up off the couch slightly panicked and head into the kitchen to see Sportsy in the corner facing away from me "Sportsy?, everything ok?"

Edit; (There we go! :3 for some reason the video didn't show up first time I uploaded it)

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