gift for @Old-Sportucus

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so ummm... yeah, I drew thot Jackie. Please don't judge me. :3 heh, so I'm kinda at a stage where I'm exploring different styles and this turned out better than I thought it would, hope you like it buddy<3. I wanted to message you this instead of putting it in the book but for some reason it just wouldn't work and this was the only other way of getting this to you. Thought I should also give you something to pass the time before the Peter x Steven story is finished ( sorry it's taking a while Toastytoast11, a lot of irl stuff is happening and I'm just lacking the motivation, sorry once again, I'll try to make it worthwhile.)

so I think that's it, Enjoy the image and have a nice day my dudes

EDIT; oh and I'll still be sticking to my usual art style. It wouldn't be fair to use this one after sportsy's probably spent so long perfecting this one.

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