Sanpaku disease (part 2 end?)

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Dave stepped cautiously over to his sportsy, he already kind of knew what was going to happen next "Sportsy?... honey? is everything alright?" he called out to him, however Jack didn't move. Dave crept closer, afraid that he could turn around any second and attack him. As he edged closer he heard Jack's breathing get more ragged as he began to shake violently. Finally, Dave mustered up the courage to place a hand on his shoulder and spin him around to face him, his face was almost completely covered with with the mysterious black sludge and his eyes were crazed and darting around the room "Sport-" Dave was quickly cut off when he had to dodge a knife whizzing past his face. He took afew paces back as his Sportsy slowly stood up straight, raising the knife ready to attack Dave once more. Dave didn't need a second warning, he spun on his heel and bolted towards the door, getting there just before Jack and abruptly slamming the door in his face and locking it.  He gasped for air as he could hear Jack frantically turning the handle  and trying to stab the knife into the door frame. "shit shit shit shit shit!" he cursed at himself as he pulled out his phone and began calling Steven "Hello? hello hello?" "STEVEN! NO TIME TO CHAT! SPORTSY'S GONE MAD! WE NEED YOU OVER HERE ASAP!" "whoa! slow down Dave! what do you mean crazy?! I thought he was alright?!" "WELL HE TRIED TO FUCKING STAB ME! JUST GET OVER HERE! AND BRING PETER AND DEE WITH YOU!" he yelled before hanging up and grabbing a chair to place under the door handle. 

A few minutes  later he heard the front door being opened and was greeted by Steven, Peter and Dee's worried faces. He let them in and let them all sit down on the couch to explain what had happened. "So, let me get this brother caught some disease, went crazy, tried to kill you so you locked him in the kitchen and no-one thought to tell me?!" said Dee before the room turned silent " look, what matters now is we need a plan in order to deal with him" said Dave quickly. "What do you suppose we do?" asked Peter,  cautiously looking at the kitchen door at which Jack was still frantically stabbing at, trying to get through. " do the symptoms go away after a while?" asked Steven, "yes...but he'll be put through a lot of pain before then, hence why I strangle kiddins to speed up the process" " Well we can't let Jack kill kids!" argued Dee, " I have an idea!" exclaimed Steven, everyone turned to look at him, making him very uncomfortable. "Well say it"  said Dave impatiently "w-well, maybe we could all hold him down and detain him until the symptoms go away" "or we could get a fucking doctor" added Dee. 

<Time skip just because >

After going over the plan multiple times they were finally ready to try and pull it off. Dee would open the door whilst Dave would rugby tackle Jack and the others would hold down his arms and legs. They would then use the anaesthetic in Steven's first aid kit to put him to sleep. "Are you sure this will work Dave?" asked Peter nervously, "It will" reassured Dave, "Ok, everyone ready? 1...2...3!" on 3 Dee opened the door and Jack lunged through the doorway, but didn't get very far before Dave tackled him to the ground, Dee and Peter rushed over and pinned him down whilst Steven rummaged around in his bag searching for the anaesthetic "Hurry Steven!" cried Dee as Jack was struggling under her grip. Finally Steven found the anaesthetic, placed it into the cartridge and injected it into Jack's wrist, making him release an chilling scream before gradually beginning to calm down. "Ok now what do we do?" he asked, watching as Jack began to stop fighting and drift off to sleep " Now we should get him to bed and hope he returns to normal when he wakes up" answered Dave "seriously? that's your plan?" questioned Dee "Hey, it worked for Henry so maybe it'll work for Jack, do you have any other ideas?" Dee looked down, she hated to admit it but she didn't have a better idea. They would all just have to wait until morning....

<Jack's pov>

*boop* *boop* *boop* *boop*

I woke up to see Dave imitating a heart monitor until Dee slapped him on the back of the head "OW!" "you ok Jacky?" she asked, still half glaring at Dave. "What...happened?" I asked, "you kinda went crazy and attacked me Sportsy" answered Dave "shit..." was all I could say before Steven came rushing through the door, not having to literally break it down this time " my child has awoken!" he cheered before rushing over and giving me an awkward hug, that soon became less awkward as everyone else joined in. "seems like we're gonna have to keep a close eye on you now sportsy" I sigh and look down, I'm afraid of hurting them....


so that's the end of Sanpaku disease... I think? my brain kinda went dead while writing this and I struggled to come up with any good ideas. If I think of any in the future I'll come back and improve it. The next story will be a Peter x Steven as requested by ToastyToast11!

anyways, have a nice day my dudes :3

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