2 *Reloaded*

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As usual, on a Friday night, Bucks Bar was packed with the heads looking for their next fix, certain greasers was up and about outside, chilling out. Others were smoking a Mary, scoping out the foxes. And the girlfriends took control
of the dance floor, especially Tim girl.

As Conway Twitty singing grew louder McKenzie out stretched her arms, and held them over her head, awhile she'd shook her hips, side to side. McKenzie stayed on beat. Ignoring all, the music had McKenzie in a trance. Everything from the soothing melody, to the deep words, created a harmonious dream. But then again, maybe McKenzie was in a trance, because of the five bottles of beer and two joints.

But hey, who knows.

Like a nerd at a dance, Tim stood from the crowd, and quietly sip on his beer. It was ultra clear, he didn't want to be there, by his body language. Tim, even refused to muster a hello to McKenzie brother girl. He forgot her name. Well, didn't care to remember it. Curly and Angela was playing against each other at a game of pool, and by Angela shrill cries and stomping her feet. She lost.

Angela angrily threw down her stick, flaring her nose. " You cheated!"

" Ain't no one cheated. You just a sore loser, like you always is." Curly hissed, striking the white ball. " Why don't ya go get me beer."

" Fuck off!" Angela yelled.

Angela stormed away in anger, balling up her fist, then opening them up. She rudely shoved people out her way, but no one dared called her out on it. That is a death wish for you.

Don't bring your ass, over here........

Tim acted like he didn't see Angela, so he started to walk away. But tonight, luck wasn't with him.

" Why the long face Timmy. Ain't you havin fun?" Angela asked.

Tim took a sip of his beer. " Go away Angel."

" God you're rude." Angela said, while crossing her arms.

" And you're fat." Tim snorted.

Suddenly, Angela punched Tim, in the shoulder. " I had your nephew spaz!"

Tim grimace. " Three months ago. Lay off the beer." He started to leave, till a pissed Angela grabbed his shoulder.

" Quit playin, you just tryin to piss me off, so I can be distracted." Angela said matter of fact. " You've been alot more distant than you usually are. Kenzie is cryin on my shoulder, thinkin you out cheatin on her." Angela ranted. " An if you are, Kenzie an I gotta fight that lil slut."

Are you serious?

If I was cheating on McKenzie, believe me, I wouldn't hid it from her......

" What's up Tim. Talk to me."

I can't talk to you.

I refuse to talk to you.

I won't talk to you.

Sometimes, I wish I could open up, like Darry does with his kid brothers. But I ain't built like that.

I can't let my guard down. I can't trust no one. But myself.....

Tim momentarily stared at Angela, he looked up at ceiling, sighing. then Tim snatched back his arm. " Try not to get in trouble Angel." He mumbled.

Tim shoved his hands into his leather jacket pocket, taking short steps to go out the bar. Just like Angela, everyone made sure to get out of Tim way, they didn't want to be on his bad side.

No one.

When Tim stepped out into the black starry night, rain fell in tiny drops on Tim skin. He lean forward against the car pole, seeing Leo and his crew, on the prowl.

This was definitely his luck.

Tim do not have the energy to deal. It is bad enough, for the past nine years, he and Leo has been battling over turf and rules.

Tim wants to say fuck it. But he can't do that. It'll show weakness, stupidity, and will disappoint his men.

They've been doing their part, putting blood in the gang, making sure, every mission been carried out carefully. No Tim can't give up.

" Tim Shepard." Leo yelled.

Fuck me.

Why now......

Tim narrowed his eyes. " Leo."

It didn't take long for Leo, to walked to a irritated Tim. Tim stood straight up. The gang members stood beside each other.

" It's good seeing you Tim. How Kenzie and the family?" Leo asked. Tim didn't say anything. And why would he? Leo doesn't give a damn about his family.
Leo continued. " Word on the street is, West got out of prison."

" It's about that time." Tim answered.

Leo peeped sideways at Tim, who had pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

" Five years." Leo muttered. " Man, he could've done doin somethin with his life. Like going back to school, getting his mama off coke, or even yet, findin his dead sister." Leo added.

Tim pressed his lips together, his eyes became a darker shade of blue. What Leo said pissed him off to no end. No one is allowed to speak about North. no one. And this mother f.... Tim kept telling his-self to relax. Leo can never know, he got under his skin.

" Kick his ass Tim!" Curly yelled.

I know this bitch didn't......

Tim turned around, seeing a stumping drunk Curly Shepard, clamping onto a beer bottle. Tim growled. He don't got time for this. Curly stumble beside his brother, staring at Leo with his blood shot eyes.

" Take a walk Curly." Tim warned.

Curly wasn't trying to hear what Tim was saying, Leo have to be punished.
Tim grabbed Curly by his neck, trying to get some control over his brother.

" Don't you ever fuckin dare say North name." Curly yelled.

Someone shoot me now........

" Tim let's beat this fucker."

Leo laughed. " Go ahead, my crew is itchin for a fight anyway." He smirk.

Tim was still holding back Curly.

"Wow, that had to be a special nigger, huh." Leo joked. " Its been nine years- find another nigger whore."

Calm down Tim. Relax Tim.

You can't get in a brawl now.

Not now.

With his lips tighter than a hymen, he turned around, starting to leave. Curly noticed Tim leaving, following behind him.

" Lets beat it Curly." Tim order. " I'm tired an I'm sure the girls are too."

Curly raised a eyebrow. " But Tim...."

" I said, lets go Curly. Or I'll leave your ass here." Tim repeated, walking away from Leo and Curly.

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