Chapter 19- Atlanta Bound

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" And That was James Brown, I'm black and I'm proud. Yes, we are proud." The disc jockey spoke. " I gotta take it back to 1956. Frankie Lymon an the teenagers. Why do fools fall in love."

Then, seconds later, the shiny red 54 Plymouth Belvedere, speakers got louder. A curvy slender older black woman, with russet brown skin, sat on the passenger side, of the car, puffing on a kool stick as the window down. At times, she'd sung along with Frankie.

" This is my song! Sing it for me Frankie!" The woman yelled, as she clapped her hands together.

Gabriel smile brighten as he look at his wife, admiring her dancing moves. She seductively winked at him. That's when, there was loud gagging sounds, was heard. They looked back, seeing the teens, on laid back, gagging.

" Jazz, I can't breathe. The love in the air is to strong, for my heart." Jasmine joked.

North attempted to sit up, but she flopped backwards and coughed.

" Don't leave me Jazz, we have so many places to visit." North said.

Then, Jasmine slowly took North right hand and coughed again.

" I love you Jasmine Lee Dubois." North cried.

" I'll be with you in spirit. Just tell my mom an dad, I love them. But Its my time to go." Jasmine laugh.

Gabriel and his wife shook their head, slightly, muffling a chuckle.

" What are we going to do, about your daughters?" The lady asked, giggling.

" My mama always said, let crazy people lone. So I ain't doin nothin Cheryl." Gabriel joked.

She playfully hit his arm, smiling. A few minutes later, Gabriel had found a parking spot, close to the mall. And it only took four times, driving around the parking lot.

Before the car engine died down, the teens joyfully hop out the car, ready to shop. Gabriel got out the car and soon Cheryl followed.

" Hold your horses you too. The mall ain't going nowhere. So act right now." Gabriel scolded.

" Listen to ya daddy."

North and Jasmine stood up, and calm down. Cheryl entangled her arm, around Gabriel arm, as he'd pat her hand.

" We'll meet each other at the hot dog stand in two hours. Y'all kno the rules. Don't touch nothin, less you're buying it, don't talk to any strangers, stay with each other at all times, be aware of each other surroundings, an finally, if any of these hillbillies bother you, come find me or your mom ASAP. Y'all are beautiful young ladies, and I kno some of these men, will take advantage." Gabriel lecture.

" Also, y'all remember your sizes an measurements? You kno, you can't try on the clothes." Cheryl reminded.

" Yes mom. I remember." Jasmine replied.

" I remember." North added.

Cheryl and Gabriel nodded, while they walked away from the girls.

" North come check this out! You can't tell me, this shirt won't look cute on you." Jasmine exclaimed.

North momentarily peeked at the stylish yellow trim and black lace fabric, and made a face.

" It look too professional." North mumbled, scanning the clothing rack. She'd picked up fashionable denim hot pants, that you see on TV, and then this crop black top, that has a red bird printed on it.
" Honest time. What about these shorts with this top?" North ask.

Jasmine eyes furrowed together, as her eyes narrowed.

" Honest time. I think you should pick a better outfit, to get buried six feet under in. Cause mom an dad will kill ya." Jasmine replied.

Oh my God really.

But Jasmine does have a point.

North sighed, while putting away the risque outfit.

" And since when, did you want wear hot pants. I thought it was too much for you." Jasmine said.

North smiled and casually shrug her shoulders.

" Maybe I'm maturin an realizing I should dress more grown up. I am sixteen y'know." North spoke.

Jasmine studied North blank and poker face expression, then she'd smack her lips, playfully pushing North.

" I don't believe you. You're tryin to impress that Shepard guy. Ain't cha?" Jasmine question. " I know you North."

I'm not trying to change my style for Tim.

That's dumb.

" That silly Jasmine. Really silly. I haven't talked to Tim for months. And I'm pretty sure, me dressing different and sexier isn't going to change that." North stated.

" North we talked about this. You need to let him go." Jasmine told.
" Look, y'all went on one date, an Tim don't owe you a explanation, why he ignoring you."

" But I feel like he caked me. Tim picked me out in the bakery, he'd tasted my chocolate frosting and then left the table." North voiced.

Jasmine tried stifling a laugh, but it didn't work. Her Tawny brown youthful face, crinkled at North.

" I'm going to start using that. He caked me." Jasmine teased. " if the fashion doesn't work out- you should go into writing."

Not funny.

Definitely not funny.

I'm heart broken over here.....

North angrily strutted out of the store, noticing a mixture of white and black mall shoppers walking about. She could hear, small kids gleefully urging, their parents, to buy them a toy or a clothing. And across from North, was the food court. In just one sniff, You could smell the fries, the juicy burgers, the hot dogs.

North felt a dainty hand, laid on her shoulder.

" North, you kno, I wasn't tryin to make ya mad and I wasn't pickin either." Jasmine whisper.

North sprung around and hugged Jasmine tightly.

" It's ok Jazz. I know you're trying to help. And you're right. I should just let it go, and move on. but it's hard being silently rejected. And not even know why."

" Hey, maybe you dodge a bullet hun. Maybe Tim wasn't right for you- he is in that gang."

" Actually, he's the leader of that gang."

Jasmine laughed. " Tim is a gang leader? Let me find, my sister got a soft spot for hoods now."

" whatever. Now let's finish our shopping. We have a hour left."

Yes, the isn't my best chapter. But I have a bad cold, and I really wanted to update for y'all. So please forgive me.

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