Chapter 25- Untitled

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The Tulsan sun, directed its shine through the smudged window, as it, abruptly woke Tim up. He was
debating, whether, he should get up now and later. But decided, its better to get it over it. Tim swung his legs off the couch, letting out a exasperated sigh, groaning. All of Tim energy had vanished. Tim sat up, putting his hand on top of his damp forehead, groaning one   more time.

" Finally you're up!" Maŕie yelled,
walking in the living room.

I just woke the fuck up......

Tim periodically flutter his eyes, a couple of times, trying to focus his surroundings. His mouth felt like Shara Desert. That's how dry it was. Soon, Curly came into the scene. 

" Man, you look like shit." Curly observed, looking at him.

" An you was born a piece of shit. But you're still here." Tim groan.

Tim trudged into the kitchen, in search of something to drink. He did buy a twelve pack, before he went to the ribbon last nigh. Tim opened the refrigerator door, to  see nothing but some old cheese. His beer was gone. Tim beer was gone. He slapped the door close.

" What happen to my beer?" Tim ask, keeping a straight face. 

Curly smashed his lips together, shoving his hands in his pockets, muttering under his breath. Tim moved closer to his brother.

" Come again?" Tim repeated.

" Angela an some this week lame, took it, when you an Dally was at the-" Curly quickly shut up, when saw the darkness in Tim eyes. " I can bag you 'nother one?"

Angela fuckin knows, don't touch my shit.

And Angela gonna give it away to some punk?....

Tim pinched, the temples of his forehead, feeling a migraine.

" Tim, I need twenty five dollars." Maŕie said, holding her hand out.
" Rick got picked up at the bar, an I need to bail him out. 

If Maŕie don't get a fucking job...

Tim unblinkingly glared at Maŕie and Curly sideways. Maŕie didn't seem to care. She kept on and on. First, it was twenty five, then fifty dollars, and when she a hundred dollars- that's when Tim lost it.

" First things first, I don't want ya to bag shit! If you get caught, like you always fuckin do. Then, I got   to save you." Tim ranted.

Curly was mad. You could tell, by the redness of his face. His dark brown eyebrows lowered, all the way down to his narrowed eyes.

" I don't need you savin me! I'm fine on my own!" Curly growled.

Didn't West had to borrow money to bail you out?

Wait, did he ever pay West back?

I really got to checked that out.....

" You would be dead in the gutter without me, babysittin you." Tim hollered. " Ok Curly, since you is  so God damn smart an kno every thing. Tell me this, we got nothin to eat, in this house. And have no money. So what do you do? Come on, figure it out." Tim demanded.  " Surprised, you don't kno, but of course, you waitin for me, to give you the right answer." He growl.

Curly kicked a empty soda can.

Tim turned his attention on their so call mother.

" No, let's ask Maŕie. Maŕie, why don't you answer? Oh wait, you can't, cause you rather ignore the kids you made, an take care of a bum.

" So you're not gonna help?" 

This bitch!....

Tim cocked his eyebrow.

" An when is you gonna help us? Cause I been doin my own for as long as I can remember. No you ain't thinkin bout that." Tim spat. " You ain't thinkin bout the bills, Angela, or Curly. Just Rick." He'd added.

It was Maŕie turn to yell.

" Well, when you're locked. Who takes care of me. No one!" Maŕie yelled. " Curly an Angela is never here."

Curly growled. " I would be home more, if we had food in the damn dump." Curly grumbled, flopping down on the broken couch. 

" Money don't grow on trees! Get  off your lazy ass an get a job. You too Tim!" Maŕie snarl in Spanish.

Tim didn't say a word or made a single sound. He folded his arms, staring at Maŕie with a death like
glare. How dare Maŕie judge him or Curly? Hell, It's not like, Maŕie is the mother of the year. Always putting her boyfriends first. Hell,
Maŕie didn't even care, when her last loser boyfriend, tried to rape Angela.
Thank God, Curly got home, and just in time. He did work the guy pretty good, but when Tim came home, oh that's when Maŕie man felt pain.

Pain, he'll never forget.

However, they wasn't surprised,  when Maŕie called the police, on them though. They each got, two weeks in the cooler.

Tim reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. He'd held it under his left hand, flicking it a couple times, then kept it steady. Tim kept his focus on the lighter, not Maŕie, or Curly.

Just the heat. 

Another minute Tim.


Don't move.

Keep still.....

No one was phase by Tim lighter under the hand. He usually do it twice a week. If Tim don't have a drink, smokes, or anything that'll distract Tim, He'll burn his hand.  Tim been doing it since ever.
His family usually backs off. You never stop Tim.
His last fling, wanted to stop him, and Tim angrily snatched her by her hair, then pushing her out of  the house. She never came back.

Tim put away his lighter, walking over to the house phone.

" Maŕie, Rick is yer problem, not mines."  Tim hissed. " Curly, you head in the car an wait for me. I gotta take care of somethin."

Maŕie started cussing in Spanish, she was pissed at Tim. Maŕie had stormed in the kitchen, grabbing every glass or plate she can find, throwing it on the ground. Maŕie throwing a tantrum, didn't really  bother Curly or Tim. They seen it for years now.

Tim rolled his eyes, walking over to the house phone, picking it up and dialing a number. He waited then grimly smiled.

" Hey there baby girl, daddy need a quick favor from ya?"

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