Chapter Five.

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"Yuuichiro's gotten so big!" Exclaims Diane as she steps into Elaine's house.

"I can't believe you never let us see him Ban!" She says glaring a bit at him.

"Well...that's because you guys are really reckless...." he trails off.

"Actually, most of the time it's you and the captain being reckless which is why Yuu's first words were b-"

"Hey! She didn't need to know that!" Says Ban cutting off the pink haired boy.

"My apologies." Says Gowther and

"You know, you never told me Elaine, who exactly watches Yuu while we're at school?" Asks Elizabeth.

"Well, usually Merlin watches him...which is where we're dropping him off now."

After dropping Yuuichiro off at Merlin's place, they then proceeded to go to school.

"I'll catch up with you all later." Says Elizabeth seeing Meliodas.

"We going to class so soon?" He Asks questionably. "What? No, I'm going to the cafeteria to get breakfast." Says Elizabeth with a small smile.

"But there having donuts. And you hate donuts." He frowns. Elizabeth puts her hand to her chin in a thinkingly manner. "That's what I thought...." she trails off with almost a whisper.

Meliodas shrugs it off. "Let's go." He says grabbing her hand.

"What's wrong with Elizabeth? She's eating a donut. And she hates them." Whispers Elaine to Meliodas during class.

"Yeah I know, it's weird." Says Meliodas as the bell rings. Everyone stands ready to leave.


"Are you ready to go home-" Meliodas was cut off by Elizabeth running towards the nearest bathroom. "What's wrong with her...~" Asks Ban, with Elaine by his shoulders. Meliodas shrugs and Elaine sighs. "I'll go check on her," Says Elaine walking towards the bathroom.

"Elizabeth? What's wrong?" Asks Elaine.

Elizabeth sighs. "Just...throwing up," "Again," She adds.

"Are you not eating again?" Asks Elaine. Elizabeth shakes her head. "No...I think I might be sick. I've been feeling a litter nauseas, and I'm also pretty tired." Adds Elizabeth.

"Well, you get some sleep when you get home Okay?" Asks Elaine. Elizabeth nods as she washes her hands, and just as they were about to leave, Diane came running in. "I heard Elizabeth was sick! What happened!" She yells.

"Relax Diane, she's fine. Just a little sick. No need to worry Diane." Smiles Elaine.

"No need to worry! No need to worry! Elizabeth is freaking sick and-"

"Elizabeth's sick?" Says a voice as they walk out the bathroom.

"Ah, yes, but I think it's just a stomach bug." Says Elizabeth.

"Well...then let me take care of you. Atleast for tonight." Asks Meliodas. Elizabeth would've almost said yes, if she hadn't realised her father would be home.

" of....homework. And lots of other things." Adds Elizabeth.

"Hm...sure. How about you come over my house Friday? Or Saturday?"

"I'll text you," Says Elizabeth as they begin their walk home. Elaine, and all of Meliodas' gang join them, but soon split up since they all live in different spots.

"I'll call you," Whispers Meliodas in her ear, making her feel flustered.

"Okay," Whispers Elizabeth, feeling a bit giddy.


"Why are you late?" Asks her father as soon as she walks into the house.

"I-I got sick at the end of the day and threw up. I'm sorry..." she whispers soon after.

Her father then grabs her by the neck but sighs and pushes her back after. "Your lucky your sisters are coming down here. They'd want to take you away if they seen bruises all over you."

" sisters...?" She Asks.

"Yeah, Veronica and Margaret, the ones who don't give a shit about you."

Elizabeth bites her lip. "When are they coming?" She Asks.

"Next week. I'll also be going somewhere when they come, so fix the house up while I'm gone. And don't tell them about the abuse. See you in a month or two." Says her father before grabbing his bag and leaving.

Elizabeth sighs and decides to head upstairs and sleep, since she's been really tired for about a week now.

Elizabeth then looks over to her calendar, as she comes to a sudden realisation.

I've missed my period. She thinks to herself.

It's no big deal Elizabeth, you've missed your period by a month before...

But she hasn't. Elizabeth then grabs her phone and looks up something she'd never thought she would look up at the age of 17.

What are signs of pregnancy?

She types the words in so slowly she's not sure if she typed them. She then clicks on the first tab she sees, and instantly cringes at the words of "New Mothers."

Are you feeling breast tendeness?

Elizabeth touches her breast and instantly senses in pain.


Morning sickness?

Elizabeth nods, knowing that she's been feeling sick in the morning.

Swollen Stomach?

Elizabeth pulls up her shirt and noticed she has gained some weight.

Elizabeth sighs sadly, after realising that most of these questions she answered were correct.

She then grabs her bag and decided to go and buy a test. When she gets there she grabs the most expensive pregnancy test she can find, mostly because she wanted it to be completely accurate.

After doing all it says, she waits. Thinking of the possibilities of being pregnant. When did she had sex anyway?

And then her mind floods back to her first moment with Meliodas.

If he was grabbing on her, groping her, she was grabbing on him, they were both drunk, and she lost her virginity then.

That would mean she'd be pregnant with his baby. That'd also mean she'd be raising a child in this hell hole, with her evil father. Meliodas would be the only light this child would be.

When her timer goes off, she hesitantly gets up, and looks over at the test.

It said pregnant.

Elizabeth instantly fell down at her knees and began sobbing.

How could someone as broken as me, raise a child? Would I even keep it?

But then she remembers Meliodas. What would he do when he found out? Dump her? Deny the baby? Deny her pregnancy?

Elizabeth lets out a louder sobs and picks up the knife by her side, digging it into her wrist.

This would be her little secret for now.

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