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(Quick warning there is abuse in this chapter along with people dying)

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(Quick warning there is abuse in this chapter along with people dying)


           Young Harry Potter was placed on the doorstep of Petunia and Vernon Dursley. He was wrapped in a thin blanket in a flimsy box waiting in the cold for someone to open the door. It wasn't till morning did the Dursley's see the young child wrapped in a blanket.

"Vernon!" She picked up the baby, looking at him with disgust. A large overweight man looked between his wife and the unknown child. "What is this?"

Petunia read the small note attached to the box and shook with fear and anger. "It is Harry Potter, my sister's child."

Vernon growled before rushing his wife inside the house. "Come on before the neighbors see him."

That day was the start of Harry's personal hell.

      At the age of five, Harry has had more sadness and pain in his life than a child should. For 2 years he's been forced to clean, cook, and obey. His body was littered with scars from the abuse Vernon placed upon him, add in the bullying and hits he gets from the Dursley child, it is amazing how he lives. Monday that night, Vernon discovered Harry was doing better than Dudley in school and didn't like it one bit.

Vernon grabbed Harry by his hair and threw his small body at the wall. The young boy fought any noise of pain, knowing if he made a sound it'd only get worse.

Unbuckling his belt, he lashed at Harry's already scarred skin, with the metal end. His skin burned with every hit but he couldn't cry out.

Vernon paused his beating, to grab a pocket knife then carved 'Freak' into his skin. Harry was in and out of consciousness, trying hard to stay awake and unknowingly sent out a magical cry for help. One felt by a group of powerful wizards and witches.

"Brother do you feel that?"

The group was walking home, when they felt it. A powerful magical call.

"What is it?" her eldest brother, Jack questioned. The youngest brother, Jason motioned to the small house on Surrey Drive. The only female was quick to rush to the door. Once she heard a whimper from inside, she was quick to break down the door, her three brothers following her. Without thinking (or caring) she sent a fireball at the fat man, sending him away from the child. His screams cause Harry to try and focus on the woman now kneeled in front of him, but with the amount of blood lost he was losing consciousness. All he felt was a bit of warmth before finally letting himself sleep. While the female was doing healing spells, her three brothers kept the fire from destroying the house, and silenced the man's screaming. She brushed the hair out of his eyes and saw the famous lighting scar.

"It's Harry Potter." She mumbled. Her three brothers heard her, and looked at the boy in shock. Rumors in the wizarding world all stated that he was living with loving relatives, treated like a King.

"What should we do?" Peter asked.

Before she could answer him, Vernon's wife petunia Dursley stomped down the stairs. Her eyes widen in both fear and anger. "FREAKS! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!"

With a snap of her fingers Petunia was in flames as well, and a silencing spell was placed on her.

"Jason, there is a child upstairs, go make sure she didn't wake him upstairs. Peter, go with him. Start a fire in their room, make it seem like an accident."

"What about their kid?" Peter questioned.

They all had a rule about hurting children. It went against their morals.

"He'll go into Foster care, unless they have a relative that will take him in. We'll make sure it's the one our friend runs."

"What about Harry Potter?"

Mia looked at the abused child and made her mind quickly. "He will live with us."

No one argues as she picks up the child, giving him a kiss on his forehead, sending magic to finish the last of the healing.

"Let's go home."

The members of the circus watched her as Mia carried the small malnourished child past their tents and stages. Many were whispering as passes but she said nothing. When she got to her tent, magic making it larger, she placed him on the bed and went to sleep. 

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