3. Gringotts

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               Time after the kidnapping of Harry, Mia thought it would be best to go to Gringotts and sort out his accounts. 
While Harry ate breakfast with the other members, Mia was picking out an outfit for Harry to wear out.
Her brother, Jack was standing in the entrance. "You're really attached to him, aren't you?"

"What are you on about?"

He laughed at her. "You being Harry's mother."

This time Mia laughed. "Me? A mother? Don't be ridiculous."

"It's not ridiculous, Harry adores you, and it's quite obvious that you care for him."

"I'm not denying that I care about him, I just think that the idea of me being a mother to anyone is kinda ridiculous."

"That's not true. Remember when Peter got into trouble with his birth family? You slaughtered them and took care of him."

"That's different."


"Peter was 19 years old, older than me, and I don't think me killing someone makes me mother material. In fact I think it means the opposite."

"Not in this family. And it proves you have this maternal instinct. Mia it's okay to care about him."

"Never said it wasn't."

"Okay, then let me rephrase that. It's okay to care about him like a mother would her son."

With that he left, leaving her alone and slightly conflicted. She never had a real mother, her's was a backstabbing manipulating bitch. Groaning she went back to getting an outfit for Harry, but being a circus act most of the things that could be altered for him were costume pieces or not the most appropriate for an everyday outing. Giving up, she chose to transfigure a plain white sleeveless shirt and chose a vest that was black with jewels around the end of the sleeves and of course on the back was a white wolf print that sparkled.
Then quickly dressed herself in leather pants, with her plain white dress shirt tucked in.

When Harry finished eating his food, he entered their shared tent and put on the outfit Mia gave him. Once he was dressed she tried to tame his wild hair, but no such luck. Thinking about what her brother said she couldn't help but smile. She did indeed love Harry.
Her life mainly consisted of others telling her she was a monster, and they were right. She wasn't ashamed of what she was, she owned what she's done in her past which is more than most do.

"Alright Harry me and you are going to Diagon Alley."

"What's Diagon Alley?"

"Part of the wizarding world."

Holding her hand out, she was surprised that Harry took her hand without any hesitation but made sure not to show it. She teleported them to Diagon Alley, then watched Harry's face turn into complete awe.

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