Panic fell on Fell

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A/N☆This is my 2nd story so sorry if it's cringy or goes too fast =w=


Classic's soft snoring fills the eerily quiet house. Papyrus is sleeping over at Undyne's house, leaving Classic with the whole house to himself. 

Knock Knock Knock

Hesitant knocks come from outside the front door, somehow managing to wake Classic from his slumber. "Ugh...Coming!" Classic calls out, slowly inching off the couch and stumbling sleepily towards the door. Classic's left socket begins glowing with magic energy when he opens the door.

"H-Hey, Classic...Um...May I come in..?" Fell mutters. His expression displays clear panic, guilt and worry.

Not this fucking guy! Classic has learnt quite a bit about UnderFell, and well, the day he trusts anyone from the AU will be the day fat pigs fly.

"And why exactly?" Questions Classic who is very ready to attack at the smallest sign of UnderFell behaviour. "..." Fell falls silent, staring at the ground while trembling slightly. "...Ugh, whatever" Classic groans, stepping back inside, leaving the door open for Fell. Fell is surprised but rushes in before Classic even has a chance to change his mind.

Classic pulls open his fridge and grabs two condiments, one ketchup and one mustard. Classic chucks the mustard at Fell who awkwardly catches it.

"So, what's up?" Classic queries, taking a seat next to Fell. "..." Fell simply slouches and looks at the ground again. "I can't help ya if you don't tell me what's happenin'" Classic urges, casually taking a swig of his ketchup.

"Uh..." Fell's trying to gather his words, he's not entirely sure of the situation himself. "C'mon, mustard force it outta ya? We need to ketchup anyway" sniggered Classic. "Heh..." A pity laugh.

Fell's response is a goddamn pity laugh.

He's the only Sans that laughs at all of Classic's puns, something is definitely up. "I think ya have had a long day, you can sleep in Pap's room. We'll continue this conversation tomorrow" Classic says, he's realised that Fell is in no condition to talk. "Ok...Night..." Fell mumbles before dragging himself miserably up the stairs towards Pap's room.

☆The next Morning☆


Confused shouting wakes Fell at 11 am the next morning. He, himself, feels confused.

Where am I? He thinks, anxiety seeping into his bones.

Then he remembers. He's not in his room - or universe for that matter. Classic!Pap must be here. Fell shivers at the thought of Papyrus - even if it wasn't Edge.

Well... Fell sleepily scampers out of Papyrus's bed. Guess that's my queue to get up. Fell practically stomps down the stairs when his nostrils are filled with the satisfying scent of fresh spaghetti.

Nom Nom Nom

"Mornin'" spits Classic as his mouth is stuffed with spaghetti strands and sauce. "Oh, uh... Morni-" Fell pauses, staring at Classic!Papyrus. He began to shake as the lights in his sockets die out. 

Huuuu-Hah Huuu-Hah Huu-Hah!  

Fells breathing became heavier and heavier. His entire body shaking wildly. His vision blurred then went black.....

"Fell? FELL!!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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