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You wake up with a smile on your face. You gently turn off you alarm clock. You remember what happen yesterday.

In your mind

"The date has gone good and I had a girlfriend now"

You then grab your phone and text Angela.

In text messages

Y/n: Good mornin' Angie, how is my angel's morning?

Angela: Good morning my cutie pie! I am all great. So are you ready to go to Overwatch?

(you blush because she called you a cutie pie)

Y/n: Is it today? I thought it was tomorrow.

Angela: Be ready my love. We're arriving there at 18:00. Ok gotta go see yah! >3<

You finished talking to Angela, then suddenly someone knock at your door.

Y/n: Oh hey Soap. What'cha doin' here?

Soap: Ah yeah, we're going to have a get together breakfast at 0900. Do you wanna come? You still have 15 minutes to get ready.

Y/n: Okay, well. See'ya at the cafeteria!

You take a shower, wear your SAS uniform and go to the cafeteria.

You see all of your friends. You see Soap, Price, Smoke, Sledge, Mute, Thatcher, Gaz, Wallcroft and even Director Macmillan were sitting next to each other.

Dir. Macmillan: Oi Y/n! Sit here!

You go to Dir. Macmillan and sit there, you were between Macmillan and Price.

Price: So, this is it Y/n. You're living us?

Y/n: Nah mate, its just I am hired for the job. And it is not in the pay check, it's the world's future. We need to prevent terrorist to make the whole world in chaos.

Price: Yeah, point taken.

Soap: So Y/n, when are yah goin' to leave?

Y/n: So, do you want me to go leave this base now?

Soap: No, its just...... I'm just asking.

Everyone start laughing.

Y/n: So, do you wanna eat or what?

Gaz: Yeah mates! Y/n is right. I am fookin hungry right now.

Everyone starts to eat and talk to each other. Then....

Soap: Alright, everyone let's give a cheers for Y/n and his successful career!

Everyone: Cheers!

Everyone finish and left the cafeteria except for You and Macmillan.

Macmillan: Alright Y/n, stop by in my office before you go, understood?

Y/n: Sure will sir.

Then you wave goodbye to each other. You go to your quarters and start packing up. then after that you take a nap for 3 hours.

You wake up and its 1700. An hour before you depart, you quickly get up from your bed and start arranging your valuables and papers. Then you stop by to Dir. Macmillan's office. You knocked and he told you to come in.

Y/n: Sir, I'm here for passing my transfer papers (while you standing and saluting).

Macmillan: At ease, okay hand me in your papers and you may take a sit.

Macmillan took 10 minutes to sign your transfer papers.

Macmillan: Well here you go Lieutenant Y/n, I just wanted to tell you that thank you for what you've done here at S.A.S.

Y/n: No thank 'you' sir for accepting me here at the division. When I first apply here at the unit you accepted me fast, this unit is family sir. I will not going to forget what you've all done for me. You and Price are being the unit's fathers and teachers, you thought me and the unit a lot of things. This whole thing, I owe it to you and Price.

Macmillan: Well, that's a speech. Let's go outside and meet your brothers.

You and Macmillan walk to the hangar with your things and wait until the Overwatch dropship show up. You took a photograph with you and your unit together and print it of in a solid copy

 You took a photograph with you and your unit together and print it of in a solid copy

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(Its like that picture but it says farewell)

Suddenly, a dropship showed up with an Overwatch emblem and land at the LZ. You see Commander Morrison and Angela wlk up to you.

Commander Morrison: Are you ready Lieutenant Y/n?

Y/n: Aye sir!

Angela: See, right on time!

Then you received a kiss on cheek from Angela. Your face go red like tomato.

Soap: Since when did you start dating?!

Y/n: About a day now.

You responded and wave the unit farewell. No! It is not a farewell, its see you again. You enter the dropship and the ship flew off to Watchpoint Grand mesa. You take a nap with Angela's head on your shoulder.

A/n: Well that is part 5, hope you like it. Im sorry if its short but ill try next to be long. Next chapter is on Sunday or Monday.

Cheers guys!

Overwatch Mercy x Male! Reader : A Modern Warfare mashup (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now