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After what happen between Angela and Y/N. Y/N wants to be alone for a long time period. He is going to be away from Overwatch for a while. For the meantime, he is catching a flight from Grand Mesa to London to meet his old comrades. He is going to be a part of SAS to keep him active. He is going to spend a long period of time with his mates and catch a break from Overwatch. This will be a fresh journey for him.


I have arrived in London and currently waiting for my mates to pick me up. I am simply sitting calmly while reading a news paper. The headline of the news paper was "Bombing in Piccadily Circus: A warning from Al-Qatala?". In my head 'seems like there is a new problem happening'. I sighed and put my paper down and saw Soap with 2 guys in a civilian attire with a vest and a pistol holster on the centre. They walked slowly towards me and smirked. "Long time no see LT." Soap started the conversation. "We need you at the base ASAP Captain Price wants to see you, greetings will be done later." He followed. I grabbed my baggage and follow them in the parking lot. We enter the vehicle and start the journey to the base. "So what exactly happened in Piccadily?" I asked them. "No one knows who started it but based on our intel pretty much it was the AQs who did it but there is a lot of stuff going right now." He replied. After that conversation, I take the time as an opportunity to rest because this is going to be a long day.

Timeskip: 1 hour later

We arrived at the base and entered the facility, where it is busy, not like the old days. "What is happening? I have never seen our guys this busy until now." I asked Soap. "There is something going on overseas and all of this is pretty much fucked up, many events occurred before you got here, terrorism just showed up everywhere. Some of our mates were deployed to Urzikstan and some in Verdansk. I will let Price to brief you." He finished as we entered Price's office. "Long time no see LT." Captain Price retorts. "Long time Cap." I replied. "What exactly is going on around here? It was not exactly what it was before I left." I followed. "It has been hell of a mess around here lately. Communists and terrorists organizations are popping all over the globe. We didn't know who or what started these." Price told me while he is looking towards the window, towering the horizon. "Our Counterparts inside NATO are helping each other for the greater good; we've been gathering intel all over the place and trading valuable intel." Price stood up and signals me to follow him outside his office.

3rd person 

Soap, Y/N and Price walk through the halls of the facility where each rooms are occupied by soldiers. We stopped in front of an elevator and head down to the dome. Y/N looked at the dome. "It has been a while since the first time I came here." Y/N told Price. "Those were the good ole days." Soap followed. "As you can see, we've created changes inside. It is now more occupied with more military armaments than ever before." Price told Y/N. "This will be a massive joint task-force that has been ever made in man-kind's history in its own accord." He followed. As they surveyed and walk through the dome; they can see tons of M1 Abrams tank, Humvees, MRAPs, Leopard 2 tanks; even aircrafts such as NH-90s, Black-hawks, Little Birds; any existing NATO military vehicles are present (mostly American-made vehicles). People are also doing maintenance to the vehicles, lifting and doing a preparations for heavy battle. After the short tour, they took a detour towards a section where it is made out of truck trailers and made it as an operations room. Several communications personnel and some intel officers are gathered and doing their respective work. There's an unfamiliar person inside the place where he is talking to the other staff and base on his badge, he is a general. "Y/N I want you to meet General  James Fox (an OC), he served as a member and a captain of SEAL team six,  joined and led task forces in Afghanistan and Iraq." Price introduced him to Y/N. "Price" Fox greeted Price. Looks towards Soap "Soap" he followed. "And you must be Lieutenant Y/N 'LT' L/N of 21st SAS battalion and former Overwatch member, yes?" He asked Y/N. "Nice to meet you General Fox." Y/N replied. "Yes, while you three are here, could I have a conversation with you?" He retorted. The three of them agreed and Fox directed him to his office. 


We entered General Fox's room and wait for Fox to start. "First of all, drop the formalities." He started. "I know you three are the most decorated and reliable members of this task-force than the other people in the chain-of-command: I will be assigning you three to lead a black-ops team and operate outside our borders. I want you to form a team which consists of the hand-picked person from every parts of the world with special abilities." He ordered. We all agreed to his terms and saluted. "And last thing before you leave..." he interrupts "...You've been given an important role where certain people will only know and remember your hardships and dedication for this whole op, thank you." He ended. "We will do our best sir." Captain Price replied to him. We stepped outside his office and walked back to the main building.

"Soap, take care of Y/N, I have some errands to take care of." Price told Soap. "Y/N, it is going to be a long journey ahead starting from tomorrow, I want you to bring out your best." Price told me. " Will do Cap." I replied. Price went to the operations room which left Soap and I walking along the hallway. We entered the mess hall where dinner is served. "Hey Y/N, Soap! Over here!" Someone shouted across the hall and I saw Gaz waving his arm, signing us to come over their spot. I also saw SAS rainbow team sitting with him. We did have a long chat and caught up with each other. After eating in the mess hall, Soap told me to go to 3rd floor of the facility where the rooms are at. "Your room is 2A2, It is close to the elevator so you can find it easily, See you tomorrow LT." Soap give his farewell. "Laters mate." I replied.

We both part ways in the elevator where I'm standing there alone. I tried to check time using my phone but its battery is flat. As I walk along the halls with night lights. I came in thinking about her. It has been a week since I talked to her in person, I'm gonna be honest to myself that I kind of gave an attitude towards them. It did have a roller coaster effect on me after the fight.

I opened the door to my room; as I turned on the lights, it is only a small room where a king-sized bed with a TV hanged in the wall just like a typical 3-star hotel room but I said to myself "This will do.". I plugged my phone and waited for it to charge up. While I'm waiting, I turned on the TV and scanned through whole lots of channel. But there's one news that took my interest. BBC News: Breaking news "Communist parties from Russia, China and North Korea; Signing an allegiance between their forces." Said the news lady. "This would be fun." I said to myself. Out of the blue, my phone rang and I heed the call. It wasn't a call, it was only a voicemail from Angela. 


*Hello Y/N, I haven't seen you for a long time, I really hope you are doing well in where ever you are in. I really miss you here by my side. I know it is a big misunderstanding and I know that deep inside of you that you know it is a misunderstanding and I am aware it was my fault. I really miss you! I really hope you get back here soon! Love you Babe*

*End Voicemail*

I put my phone in my nightstand, stood up and grab a (preferred liquor). I stepped outside the balcony and thinking about all of the stuff that happened. 'Should I reply to her?' I questioned myself while sipping my (preferred liquor). 'It has been a long day.' I thought for myself. I turned off the TV and the lights. Before I went to sleep, I looked over some photos of us having fun. I smiled in a lowkey manner. "I missed them, mostly her." I breathed out and slept.


Yeah the boiiiss, Im back from the dead, It has been over a year and i haven't updated this story, I really hope you like this part and thank you for your support. IM BACK BEYBE!!!

Cheers Mates!

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