Welcome to Overwatch

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In Your dreams

Your in an operation in Iraq and trying to stop Alexander Petrov from launching and detonating nukes in US. You see Soap, Price and Wallcroft by your side inside a black hawk.

Wallcroft: So, what's our mission?

Price: All right, we are trying to stop Petrov launching nukes to America. US marines provide us 12 divisions of marines and 6 ground support tanks. They even added 1 AC-130 and 4 gunships so they can by us some time. So the plan is to meet up with our contact in rendezvous point, understood?

Everybody: Aye!

You see all of the events happening under the helicopter. Underneath you is hell, no one can survive that shite. And suddenly......

Pilot 1: We got locked on sir!

Pilot 2: 2 stinger missiles inbound! Hold on!

You heard the to missiles impact at the torque and the tail rotor.......

End of your dream

Y/n: Ahhhh!

Angela: Whoah! Are you alright my love?

Y/n: Don't worry, it's just a nightmare.

You both smile to each other and talk about what happen in your dream.

Your POV

I always dreamed about my past, I can't move on. Gladly I am with my angel, she cares about me and she really loves me.

Angela hugs you tight and you hugged her back. You and Angela talk to each other about stuffs in Overwatch and suddenly........

Pilot 1: All righty folks! We are going to land at Watchpoint grand mesa in eta 3 minutes!

You carry your things and get ready to your new journey and new career. You are so excited to meet the members of Overwatch. You landed at a hangar and Morrison talks to you.

Morrison: Okay lieutenant Y/n, are you ready to meet all of Overwatch's agent?

Y/n: Aye sir!

The side door of the dropship open and you saw a female and a male who is a same age as Morrison. They walk to Morrison and starts a conversation.

Female: Hey Jack, how the recruitment?

Morrison: It is all good, what about you Gabriel?

Male: Nothing much.

Morrison: Let's go to my office and talk about it. Lieutenant Y/n come with me and you Doctor your free to go, I'll call you when Y/n needs help, okay?

Angela: Sure thing.

Angela walks up to you and gives you a peck at your cheek and of course you blush. You wave her goodbye and follow those 3 to Morrison's office. Morrison opens the door and welcome you and the other two.

Morrison: All right, first let me introduce them. This is Captain Ana Amari, she is a sniper support for our team and she is my second in command. And that guy, he is a commander like me. He is Commander Gabriel Reyes, leader of the black ops team of overwatch called Blackwatch.

Reyes: Pleasure to meet you Y/n!

Y/n: Pleasure is mine.

Reyes: Well we need to test your mental and physical health, understood?

Y/n: Aye sir!

Reyes: All right meet you 0900 tomorrow. You still have time to meet the other agents.

Ana: I'll call Angela to pick you up.

Y/n: Good idea captain.

Ana called Angela to pick you up. Angela arrived wearing her doctor attire. In your thoughts, you found her cute in that outfit.

Angela: Like what you see?

Y/n: I frickin love it! By the way you're cute in that outfit.

Angela: We-ell, t-thank you. (she blushes and give you a peck in your cheek)

Y/n: (blushes), well are you going to give me a beautiful tour or not?

Angela: Sure thing! Let's go!

You and Angela go to the mess hall and meet all agents who were sitting at every table. In the first table you see a green cyborg, a cowboy, a big guy with a scar on his face and a....... Dwarf?!

Angela: Hey guys! meet Y/n, his the new agent here. His name is Y/n

Green Cyborg: Kon'nichiwa Y/n. Name's Genji, nice to meet you!

Big old guy: Hello Y/n, my name is Reinhardt. Every battle, I am going to be your sheild!

Cowboy: Howdy, name's Mcree, you can call me Jesse if you want.

Y/n: Pleasure to meet ya'll.

You wave them goodbye and Angela ask you.

Angela: How's the tour so far?

Y/n: Honestly, pretty good so far.

You and Angela walk to the training room (the training room is big. It contains shooting range, all 1v1 rings, a simulation room for CQC and a room for workouts/fitness. In the shooting range you see Ana sniping some training bots. After that, you two go to the mediatating area, where you can see Genji mediatating. Then, a girl came to Angela and talk to her.

Girl: Hiya Angela, how are you luv?

Angela: I'm all good Lena, by the way Lena he is the new recruit same as you.

Girl: Hiya luv! Name's tracer, but you can call me Lena!

Y/n: Nice to meet you Lena!

Lena: Well see ya atound luv! Gotta go quick!

Then you ask Angela.

Y/n: Angela, is Lena british?

Angela: You're right, she is so childish.

After that you two went to the medical wing.

Angela: This is the place where I'm working on medical stuff.

PA system: Can lieutenant Y/n and Dr. Ziegler go to Commander Morrison's office! Thank you!

You and Angela go to Jack's office and enter the room.

Jack: Oh there you are guys! Y/n here is your key to your quarters, all of your things were arranged so there is nothing to worry about and your room A-15.

Angela gives you a smile.

Angela: Well, I'm room A-16. We're definetly close to each other.

Then Jack interupts your conversation.

Jack: I know you two were a thing, we are trying our best to add some rooms for couples but the problem is it will going to take months to make it and also the budget.

Y/n: Well that explain a lot, thanks Jack.

Jack: No problem! And by the way, don't forget you have an orientation and test tomorrow. So get a good sleep. See you tomorrow Y/n.

Y/n: Good night Jack!

You and Angela walk across the hallway and talk about things that is happening. Once you two are at your quarters...

Angela: Well, get a good night sleep my love. I'm going to continue my work, goodnight.

Y/n: Do not sleep too late. Good night and love you.

You both kiss each other. You enter your room and do your evening routine. You watch some News for 30 minutes then, you turn off your tv and go to your bed room. Suddenly, you fall into a deep slumber.

A/n: Chapter 3 done. Thanks for reading the story guys, I actually cannot believe that i got 150+ views all in all, appreciate it and the next update will be early this week or next week.

So yeah!

Cheers guys!

Overwatch Mercy x Male! Reader : A Modern Warfare mashup (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now